What is the Undergraduate Certificate?
Stillman School students who take four, three-credit courses that are part of the entrepreneurial studies program obtain the Undergraduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship. These courses are electives taken largely in the Junior and Senior years. Students obtain the Certificate as part of their normal coursework, in addition to their concentration in management, marketing, finance, etc. (Students who pursue the entrepreneurship concentration do not qualify for the Certificate in Entrepreneurship, as students can obtain one or the other.)
Why is it important?
The skills and knowledge learned in the entrepreneurial studies program prepare students to start and run a business. Also important, many large corporations seek students who have developed the "entrepreneurial mindset," which enables them to be innovative and flexible in every business environment.
What do you learn?
Students learn how to recognize a business opportunity, conduct feasibility studies to determine if a proposed venture can be profitable, write business plans, find sources of funding, consider legal and financial aspects of creating a business, and work in teams to transform ideas into reality. Additionally, students start "virtual" as well as actual businesses, and hear from successful entrepreneurs who are guest speakers in classes.