Questions, Comments and Complaints
Looking for an office or department?
The Seton Hall Directory contains employee, office and department information. Most offices are open 8:45 am
- 4:45 pm.
Looking for undergraduate admission and application information?
The Undergraduate Admissions website can answer questions about application timelines, costs, tuition, financial aid,
and more...
Visiting Seton Hall?
Find directions, our campus map, campus tour information and more on our visiting Seton Hall page.
Looking for graduate program admission and application information?
The Office of Graduate Affairs website answer questions about the application process, graduate programs and requirements,
financing your graduate degree and more.
Where can I find information for parents?
Stay informed, sign up for a newsletter, and much more by clicking here.
Need help with your computer?
Visit the technology website for all your technical needs.
Which office do I contact to get a transcript?
The Office of the Registrar is responsible for fulfilling requests for transcripts.
All transcripts cost $10 per copy. Visit the Registrar Office website for information
on how to request your transcript »
Where can I find information international students and programs?
The Office of International Programs (OIP) is a multipurpose center that creates, supports, and encourages international activities
throughout our campuses and around the world.
Can't Find an Answer?
Please use this form to send us general questions that are not addressed elsewhere
on the Seton Hall Website. We will respond to your questions directly or forward them
to the appropriate area within the University. You can also use this form to send
us comments and complaints.