Certificate Programs
Becoming a leader in your field requires flexibility and an ongoing, versatile education. Our certificate programs help you stay current, grow as a professional and leave a strong impression with potential employers.
Graduate Certificates
The Graduate Accounting Certificate serves as a "bridge" program for non-accountants who wish to sit for the Uniform CPA Examination and can help you become educationally qualified to be licensed as a CPA.
Advanced Study
The Certificate of Advanced Study consists of a five-course program of additional graduate education for those business professionals who have already completed a graduate degree in business (or, for the area of Sport Management, a J.D. degree).
Applied Behavior Analysis
The Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis prepares candidates to work with individuals with developmental disabilities, behavioral disorders, and other disabilities in various settings including public and private special education settings, clinics, hospitals, and residential treatment facilities. It provides a balance between rigorous academics, scholarship, and clinical experience, preparing candidates to be practitioners and researchers in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Approaches to Contemporary Leadership
How can leaders optimize performance, manage diverse teams, and negotiate the social, political and technological challenges after the pandemic in the 21st century? How can leaders have an authentic impact?
The new Approaches to Contemporary Leadership course from Seton Hall’s Buccino Leadership Institute addresses these questions by providing an overview of the factors essential for effective leadership. Discussion will focus upon the individual mindset, group influences, and forces emanating across entire social systems. This course is designed for practitioners – those in leadership positions or aspiring to lead. The ideas and concepts will be immediately applicable for participants irrespective of industry or discipline.
This noncredit course is open to current and prospective Seton Hall graduate students at no cost. For external participants, it will cost $147 for the entire module.
The course will take place online via Microsoft Teams.
Business Analytics
It is no exaggeration to state that every business of moderate size is either using business analytics or will have to in order to stay competitive, and that businesses around the world are facing the dilemma of how to harness data once they have it. The Certificate in Business Analytics is designed for students who are seeking to learn data analytics concepts with an emphasis on how those tools can be applied to solve business problems. The Certificate consists of 12 credits of coursework, including three required courses and one elective course.
Catholic Evangelization
This innovative and inspiring program is offered off-site in collaboration with St. Paul Inside the Walls Evangelization Center in Madison, N.J. Here, students are encouraged and prepared to heed the words of Pope Francis: "I want the Church to go out to the streets! … The parishes, the schools, the institutions are made for going out."
Students in this three-year certificate program take courses in a wide range of theological disciplines and participate in retreats and workshops, learning their spiritual gifts, deepening their faith, and growing as a small group community of faith.
If taken for credit, courses in this program may be applied toward an M.A. in Theology.
Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS)
The Certificate of Eligibility with Advanced Standing (CEAS) is an intensive, 18 credit online program intended for candidates seeking teacher certification. The initial CEAS certificate provides the foundation for further study in areas such as Instructional Design and Technology.
Christian Spirituality
Wives of deacons and deacon candidates are invited to journey together as a cohort in our graduate Certificate Program in Christian Spirituality. This program provides academic preparation in spirituality and a foundation for ministry.
Data Analytics
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Department of Psychology offer undergraduate and graduate certification programs in Data Analytics.
The Graduate Certificate in Finance offers anyone with an undergraduate degree from a four-year institution the opportunity to enhance their ability to make financial decisions anchored in corporate and investments/portfolio analysis, the core areas of the disciplined, and supplemented by six hours of certificate electives
Global Health Management
The prevalence of public health epidemics and bioterrorism have fueled the need for innovative global health management. This program develops students’ understanding of health governance, security and policy within a diverse and globalized world. On-campus/hybrid/online; 1-year FT
Graduate Business
The Certificate in Graduate Business allows students with a 4-year undergraduate degree to obtain a broad-based foundation in business discipline knowledge.
Graduate Taxation
The Certificate in Graduate Taxation is dedicated exclusively to the study of taxation and is designed to provide students with both a theoretical basis and practical hands-on skill.
Healthcare Administration
This 15-credit certificate program allows you to explore a career in healthcare management and gain professional skills that will help you stand above the rest in your chosen profession.
Information Technologies (Graduate)
The Certificate in Information Technologies is designed for students who want to achieve a greater level of experience, skills, and knowledge in emerging technologies applicable to any field of study. Technical proficiency in areas such as web design, computer graphics and animation, multimedia development, Web 2.0 skills, wikis, blogs, podcasting, digital storytelling, Microsoft business applications, using the web for advanced research, developing instructional and training materials, instructional design, and legal and ethical issues in technology are among the skills offered in this certificate program.
Intercultural Communication
As leaders today are expected to be effective multiculturalists given demographic and globalization trends, this certificate empowers students to work with confidence across cultures by expanding skillsets, strategies, and capabilities through discussion of both theoretical concepts and applied techniques.
Jewish-Christian Studies
The Department of Religion awards the Master of Arts degree (36 credits) and graduate certificate (12 credits) in Jewish-Christian Studies.
K-12 Supervisor
Designed to enable teachers/educators to efficiently access the coursework needed to meet the New Jersey State Department of Education, taught by highly regarded faculty with great insight into the theory and practice of supervision and curriculum.
Market Research
The Certificate prepares students for careers in marketing or market research that focus on the collection, analysis, and implementation of market research insights/data to make better business decisions. Qualitative and quantitative research are explored through a mix of projects incorporating the Market Research Center.
Nonprofit Organization Management
The Department of Political Science and Public Affairs offers a graduate certificate program in nonprofit organization management.
Nurse Practitioner (Online)
These certificate programs prepare nurses with master’s degrees to become nurse practitioners. Students may focus on either acute or primary care in adult-gerontology, primary care in pediatrics, or psychiatric-mental health. Each certificate requires 18-39 credits — including both didactic and clinical courses. Graduates of this program may apply for certification as advanced nurse practitioners with the appropriate certifying bodies.
Organizational Communication
This certificate program seeks to enhance student knowledge and skills to become effective communicators in organizational settings such as meetings, presentations and crisis scenarios. Communication situations within organizations are reviewed to identify common techniques, strategies, and processes of information and influence with an emphasis placed on problem solving and successful communication strategies.
Population Focused Nursing Practice (Online)
The College of Nursing offers an innovative post-baccalaureate certificate in Population Focused Nursing Practice. Nurses with knowledge, skills, and expertise in Population Health are in very high demand in all types of health care settings today to provide evidence-based care and design specific nursing interventions that serve diverse populations.
Population Health Management
Seton Hall's 15-credit Graduate Certificate in Population Health Management provides a comprehensive review of current population health approaches, strategies and tactics designed to improve consumers' access and quality of care while managing costs. In this intensive certificate program – offered online and taught by the same faculty of the University's CAHME-accredited MHA degree program – you will develop highly desirable population health management business skills, practice applications using data analytics and patient engagement strategies, and prepare for implementing a culture of wellness.
Post-Conflict State Reconstruction and Sustainability
This certificate prepares skilled professionals with the specialized knowledge and training needed to respond to conflicts in many parts of the world that have created complex socio-economic and institutional challenges. Online; 1-year FT
Practice Management for Health Professionals
Learn how to manage a health practice. Patient engagement, new organizational structures, MACRA and other value-based strategies in healthcare are creating a need for profound change. Learn the latest techniques and models for superior practice management outcomes through this 15-credit Graduate Certificate in Practice Management for Health Professionals.
Professional Market Research Insights Certificate
Two self-paced Online Market Research Insights Courses (Qualitative and Quantitative Market Research) are now offered. Each course will require approximately 20 hours to complete and be successfully completed within six months of registration.
Successful completion of each course provides a certificate in that respective subject and Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from Seton Hall University. Participants completing both courses will earn a Comprehensive Market Research Certificate.
In addition, we will offer Custom Market Research Workshops. These customized market research workshops can be tailored to the unique needs of your company and its employees and can be delivered to your location. Please click on the appropriate link below to learn more about these opportunities.
Public Relations
This certificate program offers students the opportunity to study advanced concepts, theories and methods related to the public relations field. Skilled public relations professions are in great demand within organizations, especially given the visibility and scrutiny that organizations and leaders must navigate in this fast-paced environment.
School Counseling Certificate
The Post-M.A. in School Counseling Certificate meets the requirements set forth by the New Jersey Department of Education for certification as a school counselor. The program prepares school counselors to maximize the potential of all students through comprehensive developmental school counseling programs and develops skills as competent school counselors and effective consultants, collaborators, advocates and leaders in an ever-changing global society. The program meets the credential requirements for school counselors set by the New Jersey Department of Education. Further, the program works to meet the standards set by the Council of Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) and the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC).
School Library Media Specialist
Candidates with an M.A. degree and Standard NJ Instructional Certificate seeking certification only may apply for a School Library Media Specialist Certificate after they have completed the appropriate sequence of online courses listed below.
Special Education Transition
The Special Education Transition Certificate will provide the knowledge, skills, and competencies required of secondary special educators and guidance counselors to assist youth and young adults as they transition to postsecondary opportunities. The certificate is aligned with the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) standards related to transition. A Seton Hall University graduate Special Education Transition Certificate will be awarded to students who successfully complete the four-course, 12-credit program. Students also may apply the 12 credits toward an M.A. in Special Education. *Individual courses within the transition sequence may be taken, but the certificate is only available to those completing the four course sequence.
Sports & Exercise Psychology
The Certificate in Sports and Exercise Psychology, offered through Seton Hall University's College of Education and Human Services, is designed to develop knowledge in the core biopsychosocial areas of sport and exercise psychology. The program provides students with a knowledge and foundation to work with athletes and athletic teams in wellness programs in corporate or medical settings, and in other health promotion areas. The program in Sports and Exercise Psychology is interdisciplinary, drawing upon the expertise and resources of the College's Department of Professional Psychology and Family Therapy and the School of Medical and Health Services Department of Physical Therapy. Certificate courses partially meet requirements of the Association for Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology Provisional Certified Consultant.
Strategic Communication and Leadership
The Strategic Communication and Leadership certificate focuses on the critical areas of strategic communication, organizational culture, change management, team building and teamwork, and diversity and globalization. The certificate provides the knowledge; skills and abilities such as effective communication skills face-to-face, in groups, or online; that modern professionals need to succeed and grow their organizations.
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management is the collection of steps that a company takes to transform raw components into the final product. The activities cover everything from product development, sourcing, production, logistics, and the information systems needed to coordinate these activities.
Teacher of Students with Disabilities Endorsement
The Teacher of Students with Disabilities Endorsement is designed for New Jersey teachers who currently hold an initial certification in another teaching specialty. Today's classrooms serve a broad range of learners and dual certification in general and special education provides the rich, research-based best practices needed to support all student learning.
TESOL Certification (Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
The number of English Language Learners in American schools has more than doubled over the past 20 years. The TESOL program at Seton Hall provides candidates with the knowledge, skills and dispositions to teach English Language Learners in K-12 and adult education programs throughout the United States and abroad. The TESOL endorsement may be combined with additional tracks of study, such as Special Education and Instructional Design and Technology, to complete an MA in Education.
Undergraduate Certificates
Open to non-business majors, students are exposed to the language of business. Major concepts in accounting, marketing, finance and management provide a head start in the business world. These courses provide solid preparation for entering the job market and starting a career after graduation. Open to students at Seton Hall University and other regionally accredited colleges.
Business Analytics
Business analytics is defined as the combination of skills, technologies, applications and processes used by organizations to gain insight into their business based on data and statistics to drive business planning. As technology continues to facilitate organizations to measure, collect and retain more data, companies are challenged to make sense out of it. Business analytics provides a set analytical tools that answers such problems. While statistics and operations research have long been used to allow businesses to make objective decisions, business analytics uses these tools, plus others like pattern detection to find meaning in the data. It is no exaggeration to state that every business of moderate size is either using analytics or will have to in order to stay competitive.
Catholic Studies
The Certificate in Catholic Studies has been designed for those who want to explore Catholicism's rich intellectual, spiritual, moral and cultural traditions and living heritage.
Digital Humanities and Data Studies
The Certificate in Digital Humanities and Data Studies offers an engaging, meaningful way to articulate individual interests in the humanities and social sciences with practical digital toolsets. This is a combination of skills that is particularly appealing to employers and vital to lifelong learners. Upon successful completion of the certificate, students will 1. understand how advances in computer processing led to the development of the digital humanities and data studies in fields traditionally thought of as part of the arts and sciences; 2. consider the major issues in the digital humanities and data studies today; 3. understand the theoretical and structural principles underlying digital projects. These include information design and retrieval, user design, and information structures; and 4. experience working collaboratively on real-world projects.
Students learn about the overall entrepreneurial process and acquire the skills and tools they need to succeed from the launch of a new business to successful growth of that business.
The multidisciplinary certificate program in gerontology is a concentration of studies designed for those who wish to understand and advance the quality of life of older persons.
Global Affairs
The challenges of today’s world transcend national boundaries and require international cooperation. Knowledge of international affairs will only continue to grow in value, across all disciplines. Current Seton Hall undergraduate degree seeking students, with majors and minors other than Diplomacy, can prepare themselves by securing an additional academic credential through the Certificate in Global Affairs program.
Information Technologies
The undergraduate Certificate in Information Technologies is designed for students who want to achieve a greater level of experience, skills, and knowledge in emerging technologies applicable to any field of study. Technical proficiency in areas such as web design, computer graphics and animation, multimedia development, Web 2.0 skills, wikis, blogs, podcasting, digital storytelling, Microsoft business applications, using the web for advanced research, developing instructional and training materials, instructional design, and legal and ethical issues in technology are among the 21st century skills offered in this certificate program.
Information Technology Management (ITM)
(For both Business and Non-Business Majors)
The Certificate in Information Technology Management is a four-course (12-credit) sequence that consists of BITM 2701, BITM 3727 and two BITM elective courses. A student who wishes to earn the Certificate in ITM should consult with the Department Chair or Adviser for the Department of Computing and Decision Sciences to ensure that the two BITM elective courses selected are in line with the student's academic/career objectives.
Leadership Development
Leadership Development is the undergraduate honors program for the Stillman School of Business and is only open to students admitted to the Stillman School.
Market Research
The undergraduate Certificate in Market Research is made up of a total of 12 credits (four three-credit courses). The certificate prepares students for careers in marketing or market research that focus on the collection, analysis and implementation of market research insights/data to make better business decisions. The different roles of qualitative and quantitative research are explored through a mix of projects incorporating the Market Research Center at the Stillman School of Business.
Pastoral Music Ministry
Offered jointly by the College of Arts and Sciences' Catholic Studies Program and the College of Communication and the Arts’ Music Program, this certificate, appeals to those seeking to deepen their knowledge of the riches of the Catholic intellectual tradition.
Russian and East European Studies
The College of Arts and Sciences offers an undergraduate certificate program on Russia and East Europe, a broad multidisciplinary course of study leading to a certificate of proficiency in Russian and East European studies.
Social Work Policy and Justice
This certificate is for students interested in further understanding the set of factors that contribute to a broad range of disparities (or inequities) and the challenges that exist when managing, planning and policymaking among diverse populations.
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
The Supply Chain Certificate program targets students who can contribute to various parts of the supply chain by means of specializations obtained during their higher education. The certificate provides a practical understanding of the principles of supply chain management and helps students develop an understanding of both analytic and technical methods which can be applied to optimize these systems.
Professional Development
The Undergraduate Cybersecurity Certificate provides essential skills and knowledge in Cybersecurity which are in demand in a variety of career tracks from areas such as Business, Computer Science, Information Technology, Diplomacy, Political Science, Psychology and Mathematics.
The Professional Certificate in Cybersecurity Program provides an opportunity to advance your career prospects in areas that interact with computer and information systems.
Healthcare Administration
This 15-credit certificate program allows you to explore a career in healthcare management and gain professional skills that will help you stand above the rest in your chosen profession.
Introduction to Critical Care Ultrasonography
This is an introductory ultrasound course that will introduce the learner to use ultrasonographical examination to detect cardiac, pulmonary, vascular, and abdominal abnormalities. The course consists of a didactic presentation of the theory of ultrasonography and a hands-on experience in performing ultrasonographical examination techniques on standardized patients.
iThirst Spiritual Companionship Certification Training
Addiction is a defining problem of society, with physiological, and mental health components that must be addressed. Ultimately, however, the desolation, the abandonment and the guilt which are all "hallmarks" of the addicted life, are in many ways spiritual problems which require a spiritual remedy.
K-12 Supervisor
Designed to enable teachers/educators to efficiently access the coursework needed to meet the New Jersey State Department of Education, taught by highly regarded faculty with great insight into the theory and practice of supervision and curriculum.
Leadership and Professional Development
The Leadership and Professional Development Certificate Programs provide participants with essential skills and strategies that are not only needed to become successful professionals, but to become successful leaders.
Population Focused Nursing Practice (Online)
The College of Nursing offers an innovative post-baccalaureate certificate in Population Focused Nursing Practice. Nurses with knowledge, skills, and expertise in Population Health are in very high demand in all types of health care settings today to provide evidence-based care and design specific nursing interventions that serve diverse populations.
Practice Management for Health Professionals
Learn how to manage a health practice. Patient engagement, new organizational structures, MACRA and other value-based strategies in healthcare are creating a need for profound change. Learn the latest techniques and models for superior practice management outcomes through this 15-credit Graduate Certificate in Practice Management for Health Professionals.
Social Media
Social media channels and strategies are always evolving, making it hard to keep up with the latest changes and features. To help demystify social media, Seton Hall is offering two new online programs focused on skill-building in social media.
The Foundation Course in Social Media is for true social media beginners interested in navigating top-tier social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Our Advanced-Skills Course is designed for managers and strategists who are already engaged with these popular platforms.
Both courses are led by Associate Professor Dan Ladik, who teaches social media marketing at the Stillman School of Business. He will be joined by guest instructors in the advanced program. Students who complete either program successfully will be eligible for a University Certificate in Social Media.
Strategic Influencing Series
One of the key components of leadership is having the ability to affect outcomes. Whether negotiating a fee structure for a new project, managing client expectations, recruiting employees, or partnering with colleagues, leaders need to build trust, gain support, and systematically influence results. But how does the process work? And how can influencing be applied strategically in different situations?
Lee E. Miller, an accomplished trainer in the field of leadership, influencing and negotiating, heads a series of fall workshops on Strategic Influencing. The program takes place at Seton Hall University's South Orange campus.
The Concussion Recognition and Management course
The School of Health and Medical Science, together with Seton Hall's Division of Continuing Education and Professional Studies, is offering a 5-part, online continuing education course on Concussion Recognition and Management.
United Nations Studies
The certificate in UN Studies deepens students’ understanding of how this vital arena for international diplomacy operates, and the promise and limits of multinational cooperation. On-campus/NYC/hybrid; 1-year FT