Leadership Development
Leadership Development is the undergraduate honors program for the Stillman School of Business. Students in the Leadership Program must be admitted to the Stillman School. In addition to the academic requirements, students must complete 40 hours of community service, participate in the mentor program during their junior year, hold leadership positions both on and off campus to complement their studies, attend leadership functions and maintain an overall GPA of 3.2.
In addition to the Stillman School and liberal arts cores and the courses needed for
a concentration, students must take the courses listed below. Some of the courses
are leadership students only and will be designated with a LS suffix. Students may
enter both the Leadership Development program and the University's Honors program.
Students enrolled in both Leadership and the University Honors Program are not required
to take COST 1600, SOCI 1101, RELS 1102/1502, and ANTH 2912.