What About Books
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) encourages students to make informed decisions regarding the costs associated with higher education. By ensuring that students have access to affordable course materials by decreasing costs to students and enhancing transparency and disclosure with respect to the selection, purchase, sale, and use of course materials, Seton Hall University is fully supportive of the requirements of HEOA.
Prior to registering for classes, you can view what course materials are needed for each class to help determine which classes you want to take. If you haven't registered for classes, check the University's course schedule for the current semester. To view the associated costs of course materials, search for the course you want and click on "View Books."
To ensure that you have the correct materials needed for your courses and the best returns opportunity if your classes change, Seton Hall University expects that you acquire your course materials from the Seton Hall University Bookstore.
You have several options regarding the purchase of books and course materials. You can purchase all in-print textbooks and available course materials at the Seton Hall University Bookstore. Select titles are available for one-semester rental, in used condition for purchase, or in digital format in-store and through www.bkstr.com.
Please note: If you have already registered, you can view the textbooks and material for each course by signing in to PirateNet and clicking on the " Banner Self-Service" module.
- You can click on "Buy/Rent My Books" which will take you directly into the Seton Hall University Bookstore's shopping cart populated with the materials needed for your registered courses.
- You will have options of purchasing a book in New, Used* or digital version* or renting a book*. (*If Available)