
Before You Register...
Obtain your 6-digit registration PIN from your adviser. You will not be able to register without your PIN. If you don't know who your adviser is, contact the departmental office of your major. (Spring PINs begin with the number 1; Fall and Summer PINs begin with a '3'.)
How Do You Register?
- Plan your semester by first finding your classes by clicking on the "Find Classes" button on the right.
- Make sure you have a registration PIN and know the date and time you can register. Check to make sure you don't have any holds that would prevent you from registering.
- On the day you can register, sign in to Self-Service Banner to begin the registration process. Click on the Registration link, then on Add or Drop Classes. Select the registration term and enter your new registration PIN as your Alternate PIN.
Eligibility for Registration
Registration eligibility is contingent on academic and financial eligibility as well as documentation of immunization.
What About Books?
The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) encourages students to make informed decisions regarding the costs associated with higher education, including access to affordable course materials. Read more about books »