Called to Serve
An integral part of Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology, the Center for Diaconal Formation is designed to provide graduate-level intellectual formation for permanent diaconate candidates.
Graduate-level courses are offered through Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology and are taught by Seminary faculty. A student formally matriculated into our program, upon successful completion, receives a master’s degree in theology with a concentration in systematics and/or a certificate in diaconal studies. Read more about the Center »
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The Center for Diaconal Formation
Meet A Diaconal Candidate
"It isn't just the teaching that has impacted me, but the community of men that has developed in our class and among our teachers.
We are men of faith working, praying, studying, laughing and crying together in the service of the Church. How can you not be changed?" — Michael Giuliano