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Buccino Leadership Institute

In the Lead Fall 2024 - Understanding Gen Z

In the Lead Fall 2024 - Understanding Gen ZStillman School of Business’s Department of Management and the Buccino Leadership Institute has released the Fall 2024 issue of In the Lead magazine, which focuses on Generation Z’s integration into the workforce. This issue explores the evolving dynamics of a multi-generational workplace through articles contributed by professionals, industry leaders, and academic practitioners.

With Gen Z now representing 16% of the global workforce, contributors in this edition highlight the challenges and opportunities of leading this digital-native generation. Key articles include leadership strategies for guiding Gen Z, balancing modern digital preferences with traditional methods, and how businesses can retain and develop younger workers. Leaders like Reid Litman, a global director at Ogilvy Consulting, provide insights on fostering mentorship and creating workplaces that support both growth and collaboration between generations.

As In the Lead editor Ruchin Kansal remarks, "Through collaboration and understanding, Gen Z is poised to bring fresh perspectives and innovation into the workforce, paving the way for the future of leadership." This publication emphasizes communication, adaptability, and the importance of aligning Gen Z’s expectations with organizational goals.

The issue also includes the results of the 2024 Future of Leadership Survey, a global survey focused on gathering insight and foresight on the future of leadership from 18-30-year-olds. This year’s results include insights from more than thousands of respondents from North and South America, EU5, Asia, and Africa. Results of the 2024 survey will be included in the Fall 2024 In the Lead issue.  

This issue — and all previous issues — can be accessed at  

In this issue:

Taking Stock of the Leadership Toolbox (Leadership Lessons)
Instrumentally sound princples for guiding Gen Z in a hyper-reactive world.
By Sharat Chander, P.G.D.M.

Tech Meets Tradition (In the Crucible)
Balancing digital preferences and classic approaches for effective learning. 
By Michael Rosenberg

A Different Breed
Strategies for integrating and empowering Gen Z in the multi-generational workforce.
By Cambron Henderson

In the Lead with Reid Litman
In this issue, Reid Litman, Global Consulting Director at Ogilvy Consulting dicusses his perspectives, as a Gen Zer, how to lead and develop Gen Z professionals. 

Generational Harmony
How a Millennial Trains a Gen Z workforce for leadership.
By Yolanda Jackson

In Focus with Meg Reilly '12
Meg Reilly '12 discusses her transition from marketing to global yacht racing, emphasizing passion and risk-taking. 

Future-Proofing Physician Leaders (Case Study)
Proactive strategies to recruit, retain and develop future healthcare professionals.
By Kurt Scott

Connection Catalyst (Book Review)
Bridging generational divides and enhancing connection in a polarized world. 
Reviewed by Paula Alexander, Ph.D., J.D., and Stephen Wood, M.S.

The Future of Leadership Survey: 2024
By Ruchin Kansal M.B.A, Karen Boroff, Ph.D., Anthony Caputo, M.A., and Bianca Johnson, M.S.

Categories: Arts and Culture, Business

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