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Outcomes for Pre-Theology Program

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The Department of Philosophical Theology primarily serves the intellectual formation of men preparing for the Roman Catholic priesthood by instructing in and demonstrating the philosophical and rational underpinnings of Catholic belief and Theology.  It does this as part of the Bachelor of Arts in Catholic Theology program and the Pre-Theology program of the Seminary School of Theology.  Its mission and the content of its program are in accordance with the wishes of the Holy See and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops as articulated in the Program of Priestly Formation, 6th edition, with a special emphasis on the philosophical tradition of St. Thomas Aquinas.

Student Learning Outcomes:

The basic objectives of the courses in the department are:

  • To show the fundamental relationship between Faith and Reason
  • To show the particular rational/philosophical underpinnings of Catholic belief and Theology
  • To reveal the contributions of St. Thomas to this undertaking

By the end of these courses, students should be able to:

  • Explore their Faith more deeply according to this realization
  • Articulate this awareness
  • Engage the Church and the larger culture with this relationship for the sake of the New Evangelization