Bernard J. Lonergan Institute
The Bernard J. Lonergan Institute promotes Lonergan's teaching that an intimate knowledge of one's own mind can open the door to an even broader scope of knowledge. It offers a variety of lectures, programs and conferences based on theology, interdisciplinary philosophy and economics.
Micah Institute for Business and Economics
Seton Hall University's Micah Institute for Business and Economics operates under the aegis of the Center for Catholic Studies. Its mission is to introduce faculty, students, and the business community to the Catholic perspective on business and economic life. It seeks to present the multiple ways in which these two interactive and vital engines impact the lives of all individuals personally, communally, and professionally.
The G.K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture
The G.K. Chesterton Institute promotes G.K. Chesterton's call for a deepened moral and social imagination through conferences, lecture series, research, writing and through the publication of the journal, The Chesterton Review.