Resources for Graduate Students
The Office of Grants and Research Services encourages prospective and current graduate students to explore opportunities for academic and professional growth beyond their core academic studies. Below is a diverse array of fellowship programs and opportunities offered by prestigious institutions and government agencies. For detailed information on each opportunity, including deadlines and other relevant details, please visit their corresponding websites below.
The Garden Club of America
Since 1928 when the Rome Prize Fellowship in Landscape Architecture was established,
The Garden Club of America has funded more than 1,400 recipients. The GCA offers 29 merit-based
scholarships, fellowships and awards in 12 areas. The Garden Club of America contacts
universities, arboreta and botanic gardens to encourage them to advertise our scholarships
to their students and interns. Twelve of the scholarships are managed by GCA staff
and volunteers. Selection committees comprised of the GCA and community volunteers
read applications and recommend candidates to be voted on in March each year.
U.S. Department of Energy Science, Technology, and Policy Program (DOE-STP)
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Science, Technology and Policy Program (DOE-STP)
is designed to provide opportunities for students, postgraduates, established scientists
and faculty to participate in programs, projects, and activities at the Department.
Fellows will receive hands-on experience that provides an understanding of the mission,
operations, and culture of the DOE. As a result, fellows will gain deep insight into
the federal government's role in the creation and implementation of energy technology
policies; apply their scientific, policy, and technical knowledge to the development
of solutions to issues of importance to the DOE, and continue their education and
involvement in areas that support the DOE mission either in a technical or policy-related
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to help ensure
the quality, vitality, and diversity of the scientific and engineering workforce of
the United States. A goal of the program is to broaden participation of the full spectrum
of diverse talents in STEM. The five-year fellowship provides three years of financial
support inclusive of an annual stipend of $37,000.
National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
(OPP-PRF) Program
The Office of Polar Programs (OPP) offers postdoctoral research fellowships (PRF)
to provide opportunities for early career scientists, including social scientists,
to accomplish one or more of the following goals: expand their work across traditional
disciplinary lines, develop new partnerships connecting the polar regions and/or non-polar
research communities, and provide entry to researchers who have traditionally had
limited access to polar research resources, sites and facilities. The fellowship program
encourages the integration of new investigators who have not previously worked in
polar regions and/or innovative techniques that have not previously been applied to
polar science into polar research. Additionally, the OPP-PRF aims to support beginning
investigators with experiences that will establish them in positions of leadership
in the scientific community. During their tenure, Fellows will affiliate with a host
research institution(s) and conduct research on topics supported by OPP. Successful
proposers will participate in a professional development program that will promote
mentoring skills and coordinate their involvement in activities that increase the
engagement of groups that have previously had limited engagement in polar Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
U.S. Department of Energy Innovation in Buildings Graduate Research Fellowship (IBUILD)
The Innovation in Buildings (IBUILD) Graduate Research Fellowship, managed by Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, will strengthen the pool of well-trained, diverse PhD scholars
who are equipped for research-intensive building technologies careers across all sectors.
IBUILD Fellows will receive research and educational support to conduct innovative
research at their home institution in an area with demonstrated relevance to building
energy efficiency. In addition to funding high quality research, the fellowship will
provide professional development, mentoring, and networking opportunities.
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
The NEH offers a variety of grant programs to individuals and organizations that do
the highest quality work to promote the humanities.
Welcome to Zintellect! This website provides listings of internships, experiential
learning opportunities, academic fellowships and scholarships funded by government
and private sector organizations.
Library of Congress
Fellowships, internships, residencies and volunteer opportunities open the doors of
America's library to life-long learners from teens to retirees, providing unprecedented
access to the Library of Congress' world-class collections and staff. Internship and
Fellowship Programs (IFP) coordinates a portfolio of over 80 programs throughout the
Library of Congress. Search this page to find volunteer opportunities and a wide range
of applied learning and career development placements that advance the academic and
professional pursuits of secondary school students, and emerging or established scholars
from the higher education community. These programs also engage inspired learners
who are interested in working alongside Library of Congress employees to further the
mission of the nation's oldest cultural agency and provide Congress and the American
people with a rich, diverse, and enduring source of knowledge for the posterity of
all. Your career can find a launching pad in the world’s largest library.
U.S. Department of Labor Chief Evaluation Office Summer Fellowship Program
The Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) hosts a summer fellowship program for current and
recent Ph.D. candidates to gain skills evaluating federal labor policies, protections
and programs. CEO Summer Fellows will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience,
get exposure to the Department of Labor’s agencies, and complete and present a research
project on a topic relevant to their dissertation. Fellows work with the Evaluation
& Research or Data Analytics teams within the Chief Evaluation Office, learning from
evaluation experts and supporting research activities.
Prestigious Fellowships
Fellowships offer funding for study opportunities of many different kinds including
study abroad or in the United States. If you are interested in applying for a fellowship,
it is never too early to begin learning about the process.
National Institutes of Health
The National Institutes of Health is the largest public funder of biomedical research
in the world. In fiscal year 2022, NIH invested most of its $45 billion appropriations
in research seeking to enhance life, and to reduce illness and disability. NIH-funded
research has led to breakthroughs and new treatments helping people live longer, healthier
lives, and building the research foundation that drives discovery.
National Governing Institutions Fellowship
The National Governing Institutions Fellowship supports research on the capacity of
US national governing institutions to fulfill their Constitutional responsibilities
to the American people. Such research could include the nature of these institutions,
their functioning, policy making, structural limitations, adaptation to change, and/or
delve into the relationship between the branches. The Fellowship is open not only
to scholars in political science, but other disciplines including but not limited
to organizational management, history, social science, law, legislative negotiation,
etc. Emerging scholars are especially be urged to apply.
Kluge Center Fellowships
The Kluge Center encourages humanistic and social science research that makes use
of the Library's large and varied collections. Interdisciplinary and cross-cultural
research is particularly welcome in the Kluge Fellowship program. The fellowship is
open to scholars in the humanities, social sciences, and professional fields such
as architecture or law.
American Physical Society - Congressional Science Fellowships
It is the aim of the APS and AIP in sponsoring these fellowships to provide a public
service by making available individuals with scientific knowledge and skills to Members
of Congress, few of whom have a technical background. In turn, the program enables
scientists to broaden their experience through direct involvement with the legislative
and political processes. Fellows gain a perspective which, ideally, will enhance not
only their own careers but also the physics community's ability to more effectively
communicate with its representatives in Congress. Today's budget climate makes this
ability of increasing importance as shrinking resources force hard choices between
worthy projects.
National Science Foundation - Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering
and Computer Science
The Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science program
supports authentic summer research experiences for K-14 educators to foster long-term
collaborations between universities, community colleges, school districts, and industry
partners. With this solicitation, the Directorates for Engineering (ENG) and Computer
and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) focus on a reciprocal exchange of expertise
between K-14 educators and research faculty and (when applicable) industry mentors.
K-14 educators will enhance their scientific disciplinary knowledge in engineering
or computer science and translate their research experiences into classroom activities
and curricula to broaden their students’ awareness of and participation in computing
and engineering pathways. At the same time, the hosting research faculty will deepen
their understanding of classroom practices, current curricula, pedagogy, and K-14
educational environments.
National Science Foundation - INCLUDES Initiative
The INCLUDES Initiative is a comprehensive, national effort to enhance U.S. leadership
in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) discovery and innovation,
focused on NSF’s commitment to ensuring accessibility and inclusivity in STEM fields,
as communicated in the NSF Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years (FY) 2022-2026. The vision
of the INCLUDES Initiative is to catalyze the STEM enterprise to work collaboratively
for inclusive change, resulting in a STEM workforce that reflects the diversity of
the Nation’s population. More specifically, the INCLUDES Initiative seeks to motivate
and accelerate collaborative infrastructure building to advance equity and sustain
systemic change to broaden participation in STEM fields at scale. Significant advancement
in the inclusion of groups that have historically been excluded from or underserved
in STEM will result in a new generation of STEM talent and leadership to secure the
Nation’s future and long-term economic competitiveness.
National Science Foundation - Discovery Research PreK-12
The goal of the Discovery Research PreK-12 program (DRK-12) is to catalyze research
and development that enhances all preK-12 teachers’ and students’ opportunities to
engage in high-quality learning experiences related to the sciences, technology, engineering,
and mathematics (STEM). The program’s objectives are to: (1) build knowledge about
how to develop preK-12 students’ and teachers’ STEM content knowledge, practices,
and skills; (2) support collaborative partnerships among STEM education researchers,
STEM education practitioners and school leaders with the goals of extending relevant
scientific literatures while developing more effective practice; and (3) build the
field of STEM education by supporting knowledge synthesis, interdisciplinary interactions
across fields and stakeholders, and the development of novel and robust ways of assessing
teacher and student learning, engagement, and skills. Outcomes of DRK-12 projects
can include but are not limited to promising, evidence-based products that can be
used by others to support the success of all teachers and all students (e.g., curriculum,
teaching and research tools, and models of collaboration).
National Science Foundation - S-STEM
The S-STEM program encourages collaborations, including but not limited to partnerships
among different types of institutions; collaborations of S-STEM eligible faculty,
researchers, and academic administrators focused on investigating the factors that
affect low-income student success (e.g., institutional, educational, behavioral and
social science researchers); and partnerships among institutions of higher education
and business, industry, local community organizations, national labs, or other federal
or state government organizations, as appropriate. To be eligible, scholars must be
domestic low-income students, with academic ability, talent or potential and with
demonstrated unmet financial need who are enrolled in an associate, baccalaureate,
or graduate degree program in an S-STEM eligible discipline.
National GEM Consortium
GEM offers M.S. and Ph.D. level students an outstanding opportunity and access to
dozens of the top Engineering and Science firms and Universities in the nation. The
GEM Fellowship was designed to focus on promoting opportunities for individuals to
enter industry at the graduate level in areas such as research and development, product
development, and other high level technical careers. GEM also offers exposure to a
number of opportunities in academia.
SMART Program
The SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program is a combined educational and workforce
development opportunity for STEM students. SMART offers scholarships for undergraduate,
master's, and doctoral students pursuing a STEM degree. Scholarship recipients receive
full tuition, annual stipends, internships, and guaranteed employment with the Department
of Defense after graduation. Applications are open annually from August 1-December
Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists
WDTS delivers high-quality programs that are managed with rigorous, evidence-based
evaluation and best practices among the STEM community. With a robust online support
system and suite of accessible resources, we strategically develop sustainable partnerships
that reach a broad and diverse range of applicants for WDTS programs. These programs
stand out among STEM training opportunities for offering unparalleled access to world-leading
scientific expertise and state-of-the-art scientific facilities, capabilities and
resources at the DOE National Laboratories.
Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) Program
The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Mickey Leland Energy Fellowship (MLEF) Program
is a 10-week summer research internship for undergraduate and graduate students in
STEM majors. Participants complete a cutting-edge research project at one of the Department’s
National Laboratories or DOE Headquarters in support of the Department’s mission of
limiting the environmental and climate impacts of fossil fuels and industrial processes
while working to achieve net-zero emissions. The mission of the MLEF Program is to
strengthen a diverse pipeline of future STEM professionals. This program has mentored
over 1000 from across the nation. All eligible candidates are encouraged to apply.
MLEF participants are mentored by DOE scientists and engineers while completing a
research project over the course of the summer. At the end of the program, participants
present their research findings at the MLEF Technical Forum. During the 10-week appointment,
Fellows receive a weekly stipend, and may be eligible to receive travel and housing
assistance. Apply now to gain insight on how the U.S. Department of Energy is working
towards and equitable and clean energy future.
Library of Congress - Junior Fellows Program
The Library of Congress Junior Fellows Program is a paid, 10-week annual summer internship
program that enables undergraduate, graduate students, and recent graduates to experience
the integrated analog and digital collections and services of the world's largest,
all-inclusive library. Working under the direction of Library curators and specialists
in various divisions, Junior Fellows explore digital initiatives and increase access
to the institution’s unparalleled collections and resources. Junior Fellows are exposed
to a broad spectrum of library work, including: copyright, preservation, reference,
access, and information technology.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration - Postdoctoral Research Opportunity in Microbial
Pathogenesis and Vaccine Development
A postdoctoral research opportunity is currently available in the Office of Vaccine
Research and Review (OVRR) in the in the Laboratory of Bacterial Polysaccharides,
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) in Silver Spring, Maryland. This laboratory conducts research on non-capsular
immunogens to facilitate the development of vaccines to prevent disease caused by
encapsulated bacterial pathogens. Our research is aimed at understanding antigenic
diversity as it relates to the development and evaluation of vaccines that will prevent
disease caused by serogroup B Neisseria meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae. The postdoctoral
candidate will examine the pathogenesis, immunogenicity and in vitro toxicity associated
with novel bacterial proteins from Neisseria meningitidis using a wide range of methods
including animal models, cell culture, and proteomic methods.
U.S. Department of Energy - Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
(IN) is seeking Scholars to engage in projects and activities related to IN's mission.
IN is responsible for all intelligence and counterintelligence activities throughout
the DOE complex, including nearly thirty intelligence and counterintelligence offices
nationwide. IN protects vital national security information and technologies, representing
intellectual property of incalculable value. IN's distinctive contribution to national
security is the ability to leverage the Energy Department’s unmatched scientific and
technological expertise in support of policymakers as well as national security missions
in defense, homeland security, cyber security, intelligence, and energy security.
The Scholar will receive training, mentoring, and additional support to effectively
accomplish appointment goals. Appointments may involve projects focused on engineering,
science, research, technology, policy, business, and government relations.
U.S. Department of Energy Scholars Program
The DOE Scholars Program is designed to attract talented undergraduate and graduate
students, and recent graduates to opportunities designed to prepare and motivate participants
toward the full range of entry and mid-level research, technical and professional
positions within U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). As a participant in the DOE Scholars
Program, you will have the opportunity to explore a federal career with DOE and gain
a competitive edge as you apply your education, talent and skills in a variety of
settings within the DOE complex.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Summer Internships
This internship provides the opportunity to independently utilize your skills and
engage with experts to move the proposed research forward. As a participant you will:
receive hands-on experience and individualized research opportunities while networking
with top scientists and researchers, have access to a one-of-a-kind federal research
laboratory and state-of-the-art instrumentation, and increase your marketability by
enhancing your academic and professional preparation.
U.S. Department of Energy JUMP into STEM Building Technologies Internship Program
In conjunction with the Department of Energy Building Technology Office, JUMP into
STEM engages students and professors from science, technology, engineering, and math
backgrounds, as well as from other disciplines including architecture, art, communications,
computer science, economics, policy, and the social sciences. The JUMP into STEM challenges
can be presented by professors as a modular component through coursework or pursued
by students as an extracurricular development opportunity. This application is for
students participating in the JUMP into STEM competition to win a 10-week paid internship
during the summer of 2024 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), or the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).
Only select students with the top winning concepts will be eligible for internships.
Awardees will be assigned their internship location.
U.S. Department of Defense - Bioengineering Internship at Air Force Research Laboratory
This project will investigate the effects of simulated microgravity on cellular responses
to directed energy exposure. Activities may involve development of microgravity cell
culture models, exposure of cells in simulated microgravity to pulsed electric fields
or infrared optical stimulation, and experiments to study altered thresholds of cell
damage, structural, functional or metabolic changes, or cellular mechanisms mediating
responses to microgravity or directed energy exposure.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Fellowship with the Communications, Education,
and Behavioral Studies Branch, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination
This project will provide genomic data analysis as part of a growing national, molecular
surveillance program for Neisseria gonorrhoeaewith a focus on detection of antibiotic
resistance and antibiotic resistance mechanisms. The project supports capacity building
of whole genome sequence technology, integrated genomic analysis pipelines and automated
data visualization and reporting for the public health action to identify and respond
to resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The fellowship will support the optimization of
quality initiatives and data management strategies. This fellowship may provide opportunities
for hands-on wet-lab processing of whole genome sequencing to genomic analyses of
isolates of concern from local jurisdictions.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration - Fellowship in Immune Responses to Influenza and
Respiratory Syncytia Virus
A training opportunity is available for studying of humoral immune responses following
SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19), RSV or influenza infections and vaccination in humans as well
as animal studies to evaluate antibody responses to infection (influenza, RSV) after
vaccination The candidate will be trained in advanced techniques developed in the
lab including: in vitro cell cultures( viral infections); virus neutralization assays,
cytokine production; whole genome gene-fragment phage display libraries (GFPDL); Surface
plasmon resonance (SPR); recombinant protein expression in bacterial and mammalian
systems; small animal models (vaccination and infection).
U.S. Food and Drug Administration - Fellowship on the Biochemical Mechanisms of Blood
A research opportunity is currently available with the Office of Therapeutics Proteins
(OTP) at the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), U.S. Food & Drug
Administration (FDA) in Silver Spring, Maryland. This fellowship will be focused on
investigating the biochemical mechanisms of human blood coagulation, to enhance the
safety and efficacy of products that treat blood coagulation disorders. The successful
candidate will receive mentoring on fulfilling the project, which will also include
collaboration with investigators within and external to the FDA.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration - Fellowship on Impacts of Cell Substrate on Product
Quality Attributes
A research opportunity is available in the Office of Biotechnology Products (OBP),
Office of Pharmaceutical Quality (OPQ), Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER),
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in Silver Spring, Maryland. When a drug manufacturer
of a biotechnology product changes the expression system (cell substrate) used to
generate the protein therapeutic, it is considered a high-risk manufacturing change
that may impact critical drug product quality attributes, such as protein structure,
potency, and/or impurity profiles, which in turn may or may not impact pharmacokinetics
(PK), pharmacodynamics (PD), clinical safety and/or efficacy. The goal of this project
is to create a database of the characterization data provided before and after a cell
substrate manufacturing change to analyze and identify potential correlations between
cell substrate and specific critical quality attributes (CQAs) of the product. This
database and subsequent exploratory data analysis will be critical tools for assessors
when reviewing submissions involving cell substrate manufacturing process changes
and biosimilars. Furthermore, the data will be used to identify knowledge gaps that
can be addressed in laboratory-based research projects within our office.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration - Graduate Student Research Fellowship at the Center
for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
A research opportunity is currently available at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA), Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN), located in the Office
of Regulatory Science (ORS) in Raleigh, North Carolina. The goals of this project
are to study the complex interactions of human pathogens such as Salmonella, shiga-toxin
producing E. coli and L. monocytogenes with produce commodities in the pre-harvest
environment. This research will be conducted at the phytotron facility at North Carolina
State University.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Gender-based Violence Fellowship
The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health is seeking an experienced candidate
who is interested in research and policy development focused on ending gender-based
violence. The candidate will collaborate with the HHS Director of Sexual and Gender-based
Violence to implement the goals of the National Action Plan to End Gender-based Violence.
The candidate will conduct literature reviews and analyze data on gender-based violence
including sexual assault and intimate partner violence. The candidate will participate
in interagency work groups and teams to apply research to inform policy and practice
on the prevention and intervention of gender-based violence. Topic areas could include
trauma informed care for sexual assault survivors, effective strategies to screen
for gender-based violence in health care settings, and emerging strategies in sexual
assault and intimate partner violence prevention in LGBTQI+ communities. Candidate
will write policy papers and memos, compile information from external stakeholders,
prepare briefing materials to inform work groups, and track ongoing progress on new