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Office of Grants and Research Services

University Research Council

The URC was established to foster faculty research and to promote faculty development activities, including the identification of priorities and programs which shall provide opportunities for faculty growth and renewal. Each year this faculty committee, with administrative support provided by the Office of Grants and Research Services on behalf of the Provost's Office conducts an awards competition for research-expense grants and summer stipends in accord with guidelines approved by the university.

The Council reviews proposals from faculty members and recommends funding for as many proposals as possible within the limits of the monies available. Generally the Council funds approximately one half of all submitted proposals.

Some programs administered by Federal and State agencies and foundations having competitive grant programs restrict the number of applications that an institution may submit. For these cases, the University has developed an internal review process. OGRS will announce the program and its restrictions and solicit project summaries from appropriate Seton Hall faculty.

Next, the University Research Council will review these project summaries and make recommendations to OGRS concerning which should proceed to the next level of competition. Those recommended by the University Research Council will then be the official applications submitted by Seton Hall University.

Summer Stipend and Research Grant Competition
University Research Council (URC) reviews proposals from faculty members and recommends funding for as many proposals as possible within the limits of the monies available. Generally the Council funds approximately one-third of all submitted proposals. 

The application deadline for Summer 2025 is Monday, February 17, 2025, at noon. Awards are expected to be announced by late April 2025. Submissions must be emailed by the deadline to [email protected].

If you have any questions please contact The Office of Grants and Research Services at (973) 275-4654.


As a reminder, there are two different support mechanisms that an applicant may choose including a summer stipend of up to $10,000, or a research grant of up to $10,000 for use in completing the proposed work during the subsequent academic year. Please review the guidelines for expenses that may be included in the budget.

  • For research grants, all expenditures on items listed in the application budget must be completed by June 1, 2025 (or beyond with prior approval).
  • For grant-related expenses paid directly by the awardee, the reimbursement request must be submitted to OGRS by June 20, 2025 to permit sufficient processing time prior to conclusion of the fiscal year.
  • Prospective applicants are encouraged to review the program guidelines for a full description of each funding option, as well as the accountability and responsibility of award recipients.
  • All submitted applications will be reviewed for their adherence to formatting guidelines by the OGRS staff and those that are not compliant will be removed from consideration and will not be reviewed by the Council.
  • The applications will be reviewed and scored by members of the Council – not OGRS. Any Council member that has a supervisory relationship with the applicant will not be permitted to serve as a reviewer for that application.
  • The Council members will use the Review Criteria in the program guidelines to score the applications. All reviewer scoresheets will be sent to the OGRS staff who will tabulate the results.
  • Upon completion of the review cycle, the Council will convene in April 2024 to review the tabulated results and make recommendations for funding in accordance with the additional considerations outlined on Page 7 of the program guidelines.

To facilitate an efficient review process, applicants are reminded that the proposals should be written free of jargon or technical terms known only to the specialist. Questions should go to [email protected] and will be directed to the University Research Council Chairperson. A broadcast email will be sent in April 2024 to identify this year’s awardees.

Good luck to all that apply!