K-12 ELMP Professors Lecture to PhD Students in Italy - Seton Hall University
Thursday, March 11, 2021

Photo taken from University of Catania website
Professors Christopher Tienken, Daniel Gutmore, and James Corino of the Department of Education Leadership, Management, and Policy in the College of Education and Human Services conducted a video conference lecture on education leadership in the United States with a cohort of Ph.D. students and university faculty at the University of Catania on February 25, 2021. The professors engaged in a three-hour seminar about culture of leadership in the United States, the roles and responsibilities of the school principal, and one form of democratic leadership, known as distributed leadership. This was the second video conference lecture given by Tienken, Gutmore, and Corino to students at the University of Catania.
The February 25th lecture was part of a larger collaborative relationship developed by Professor Tienken with Professoressa Maria Tomarchio from the Department of Education Science at the University of Catania in 2015. The collaboration has resulted in joint research projects, lectures, and publications. Tienken spent part of his 2015-2016 sabbatical at the University of Catania as a Visiting Professor with a focus on education policy.
Several Ph.D. students at the University Catania will be attending upcoming leadership lectures conducted by Dr. Gutmore during the Spring 2021 semester as part of his regularly scheduled graduate classes. Seton Hall education leadership graduate students will be able to dialogue and collaborate with the Ph.D. students from Catania and both groups will benefit from the cultural and intellectual exchange.
Faculty members of the University of Catania visited Seton Hall in 2017 and met with Drs. Gutmore, Corino, and Tienken to discuss education leadership programming, provided guest lectures in Tienken's masters level curriculum courses, and also conducted school visitations and interviews with school administrators in several New Jersey School Districts. Professors Tienken and Gutmore met with Professoressa Maria Tomarchio and Professor Giambattista Buffalino at the University of Catania in July 2018 as part of the ongoing collaboration to develop an international seminar on leadership. Because education leadership is a new field of study in Italy, the faculty at the University of Catania are collaborating with Tienken, Gutmore, and Corino to better understand the various aspects of school leadership and how those might influence practice in the Italian context.
Categories: Arts and Culture, Education, Nation and World