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College of Human Development, Culture, and Media

WSOU and Pirate TV Leadership Attends CBI Orlando Convention

WSOU student managers

WSOU student managers left to right: Sam Klein, Mike Federico, Joe Matthews, Bobby Steiner, Ryan Henry, Chris Kovalcik, Kayla Fonseca, Patrick Ritter, Naomi Muentes, Joey Nardone, Chris Aurilio

This past October, student managers from 89.5 WSOU and student leadership from Pirate TV had the opportunity to attend the 2023 National Student Media Convention hosted by College Broadcasters Inc. (CBI) in Orlando, Florida. The convention took place from October 18-21 at the Rosen Plaza Hotel and included over 60 informational sessions and CBI’s National Student Production Awards. This year, the convention was attended by the College of Human Development, Culture, and Media’s Director of Production/Facilities, Chris Aurilio; WSOU’s Station Manager, Kayla Fonseca; Programming Director, Joey Nardone; Music Director, Patrick Ritter; Sports Director, Mike Federico; Social Media Manager, Sam Klein; Tech Ops Director, Joe Matthews; Staff Representative, Chris Kovalcik; Production Manager, Naomi Muentes; and Pirate TV student leaders: Louis Pasculli, Ryan Johnston, Ava Graves, and Graham Marshman. 

Upon reflecting on their experiences at the 2023 National Student Media Convention, student leaders pointed out highlights of the convention including roundtables and information sessions and the National Student Production Awards, where WSOU’s Joe Matthews and Ryan Johnston were awarded second place for Best Sports Play-by-Play Audio for their coverage of Seton Hall men’s basketball’s win over UConn, an experience that Sports Director, Michael Federico, described as "thrilling."

One of the most exciting parts of the convention for students like WSOU’s Social Media Manager, Sam Klein, was the opportunity to host roundtables. This year, Klein hosted a roundtable with Erie Mitchell from North Carolina University’s radio station, WKNC 88.1, that allowed women in the world of college radio to come together to talk about experiences in which they "felt their voice was not heard despite holding a role of authority at their respective stations." Klein stated that through this roundtable, she was able to gather tips from women in broadcast media at other institutions on how to address the struggles of working in a male dominated environment like "immediately calling out those who seek to silence us," making sure younger women at college radio stations feel supported by upperclassmen, playing music by women and members of the LGBTQ+ community, and forming collaborations with panhellenic organizations on campus during Women’s History Month in March. WSOU’s Promotions Director, Bobby Steiner, who called the convention an "unforgettable experience," and News Director, Ryan Henry, also hosted the Small Stations roundtable. According to Henry, this experience allowed him to discuss the obstacles faced by small stations and work with students from other organizations to form ideas about how to meet his goal of "emphasizing WSOU News’ social media more" in an environment that allowed for "more open dialogue and conversation than a traditional panel."

In addition to roundtables, students were able to attend and present at informational panels. Alongside advisors from John Carroll University, the University of Akron, and SUNY Brockport, WSOU Station Manager, Kayla Fonseca, presented "Working with Your University Administration." In the words of Fonseca, this panel "examined the technical aspects of running a student organization that students may not consider, but a school’s administration must have a hand in, like students getting paid, risk management, and keeping up with an FCC license." After collaborating with these administrators, Fonseca came back to campus with what she described as "new ideas to further integrate WSOU on campus and expand its presence at Seton Hall." Other students, like WSOU’s Staff Representative, Chris Kovalcik, attended panels like "Correcting Your Staff: The Power of Interpersonal Communication." Kovalcik compared his work at WSOU to that of an HR department and found the information in this panel to be valuable in helping him develop skills for resolving conflict among radio station staff. Other panels that stood out to WSOU attendees were "50 Promo Ideas in 50 Minutes," which was attended by Bobby Steiner, and the News Producer panel, attended by Ryan Henry. 

During their time in Orlando, Seton Hall National Student Media Convention attendees also had time for fun. Several students, like WSOU Sports Director, Michael Federico, spoke fondly of spending time with friends exploring Orlando, enjoying new food, and attending an Orlando Magic basketball game. 

The experience was also covered in a podcast by WSOU’s Production Manager, Naomi Muentes. In addition to sharing other students’ enthusiasm for the panels offered at the convention, Muentes highlighted her experience at a "show and tell" session that allowed students to share their work and receive feedback from other students and professionals. According to Muentes, sessions like this made the convention a "fun and insightful experience" that helped her learn how to accomplish her career and academic goals. 

Congratulations to all attendees and to WSOU for receiving the second-place award for Best Sports Play-by-Play Audio! For more information about getting involved in WSOU, Pirate TV, and other media production opportunities, please contact Chris Aurilio.

Categories: Campus Life