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Office of International Programs
Courtyard of University College Cork

Credit Transfer, Billing, and Payment

Explore the credit transfer process, billing details, and deadlines for study abroad programs.

Credit Transfer Process

Seton Hall students participating in non-Faculty Led study abroad programs must submit a Credit Transfer Form before departure. This form requires signatures from the student's department dean, program chair, academic advisor, and the department chair for any outside-major courses. Once completed, the form guarantees that courses taken abroad will count toward graduation requirements. Students should also indicate whether they will bring their university-issued laptop abroad. Click here for detailed instructions.

After obtaining the necessary signatures, students must submit the form thru the Study Abroad Portal. The office will review it and forward it to the Office of the Registrar, which will then instruct students to drop their current courses and register them for the 15-credit Study Abroad Placer Course to maintain full-time status.

Billing and Payment

Seton Hall Semester Program students will be registered in a course that generates a bill, which they should pay as usual. Students in Third Party Programs will not receive a Seton Hall bill, except for mandatory study abroad fees. Tuition and housing payments should be made directly to the Third Party Provider.


After completing their study abroad program, students must request a transcript from the host institution. Seton Hall requires a School of Record Transcript from an accredited institution, which may involve an additional fee. Transfer credits are accepted for grades of 'C' or higher for undergraduates and 'B' or higher for graduate students. Transfer credits do not affect GPA and must be sent to the Office of the Registrar for evaluation and addition to the student’s record.