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College of Arts and Sciences

Undergraduate Social Work Program Hosts Big Brothers Big Sisters’ Forum  


Big Brother Big Sister Panel

Professor Mary Landriau (standing on left) is pictured with leadership from Big Brothers and Big Sisters (standing) and panelists (seated) who are current "Bigs" in Essex, Hudson, and Union Counties.

Mary Landriau, Faculty Associate and Field Director in the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Program, moderated the first annual Big Conversations: Engaging with Your Little panel discussion sponsored by the Leadership Council of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Essex, Hudson and Union Counties. The event was held at Seton Hall University on Saturday, January 25, 2020.

Big Brothers Big Sisters operates under the belief that inherent in every child is incredible potential. As the nation's largest donor and volunteer-supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers ("Bigs") and children ("Littles"), ages 5 through young adulthood, in communities across the country. These matches result in positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people.

The first annual Big Conversation: Engaging with your Little panel provided an opportunity of "Bigs" to network and get additional training on enhancing their relationships with their "Littles." Professor Landriau facilitated this discussion and provided her own social work expertise on engagement, forming relationships, and improving youth and mentor outcomes. The BSW Program at Seton Hall is proud to have developed an affiliation with this important organization and will be having future events and collaboration with Big Brothers and Big Sisters in the future.

Categories: Campus Life, Education