Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures and the Global Learning Center Launch New Websites
Monday, October 10, 2022
Housed within the College of Arts and Sciences, the LLC offers students opportunities to explore several foreign languages and to acquire a global perspective and understanding of the literary, cultural and intellectual achievements of ancient and modern civilizations.
The LLC delivers instruction of 10 languages as well as advanced courses (in both English and students' focus language) on the cultures and literary accomplishments of the countries and regions related to those languages. Several majors, minors and certificates are offered in specific languages as well as in broader cultural studies covering Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa, and Russia and Eastern Europe.
LLC adjunct instructors provide free professional language tutoring in the current areas of study (Arabic, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, German, Latin, Greek and Russian). Information on tutoring opportunities, schedules, links to virtual sessions and the sign-in form are available on the updated GLC website. In addition, students with a language requirement for their majors can learn everything they need to know about the language placement tests.
Formerly the Learning Resource Center, the GLC is a smart learning space that was recently renovated with the support of the Dean's Office of the College of Arts and Sciences and Teaching, Learning and Technology Center (TLTC). The GLC functions under the LLC as an academic support center for language students. The unique technology-enhanced learning and event space is comprised of the main classroom in Fahy Hall, Room 202/203C and the Screening Room in 203B. The available technology tools in the GLC provide for direct and remote instruction and presentations in a dynamic learning environment that is singular to the South Orange campus.
The GLC also houses hundreds of international DVDs, books, CDs and more; a project to update the media database is almost complete and will be made available later this semester for SHU faculty to browse resources available for borrowing. The more intimate Screening Room can also be reserved to show films or hold small events. Finally, students are welcome to use the GLC as a study and/or workspace when the rooms are not being used for classes or tutoring sessions.
For more information on the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, please visit the Department’s website or visit the Global Learning Center website for additional details on offerings, programs and upcoming events.
Categories: Education, Nation and World