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Diaconal Formation Year One



Spiritual, Human, Pastoral


Recommended Topics Provided by the Local Dioceses, with Center Assistance upon Request

Year 1

Fall Semester
STHO 6202: Revelation and Faith
BIBL 6501: Synoptic Gospels

Human & Religious Development
Diaconal Spirituality
Spring Semester
BIBL 6529: Spirituality of the Old Testament
STHO 6205: Christian Anthropology

Diaconate & Family Life
Spirituality of Pastoral Ministry

Year 2

Fall Semester
STHO 6203: Christology
CETH 6130: Major Themes in Christian Ethics

Prayer & Spiritual Life
Contemporary Moral Issues
Spring Semester
HSTD 6809: History of Christianity
STHO 6204: Trinity

Models of Spiritual Life
Pastoral Guidance & Counseling

Year 3

Fall Semester
STHO 6504: Sacramental Theology General
STHO 6207: Ecclesiology

Sacramental Celebrations & Devotions
Social Justice
Spring Semester
PTHO 6108: Introduction to Preaching for Deacons
STHO 6550: Theology of Paul and John

Homiletics I
Pastoral Care

Year 4

Fall Semester
CETH 6401: Canon Law for Deacons
STHO 6728: Theology of the Spiritual Life

Homiletics II
Homiletics III
Spring Semester
CETH 6405: Canon Law of Christian Marriage
STHO 6888: MA Seminar: Deacons and Christian Worship

Liturgical Ministry
Ordination and Beyond

*Each of the courses listed in the Intellectual column are 3-credit courses for Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology.