Outcomes for the Permanent Diaconate Formation Program
The goals of the Center for Diaconal Formation academic formation program are to:
- Prepare students for ordination to the permanent diaconate with the academic knowledge
of the faith based upon the Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium of the Church, Vatican
II Documents and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which can be assimilated, explained, and communicated in various venues and circumstances
and applied pastorally to carry out the deacons' ministry of word, liturgy and charity.
- Assist men for a life of diaconal service to the Church as leaders in the new evangelization
and as effective heralds of the Gospel in today's society by successfully mastering
the intellectual norms from the National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons in the
United States.
Students graduating from the program will obtain knowledge and appreciation of the faith in order to carry out his ministry in the following areas:
- Interpret Scripture and exercise exegetical skills in harmony with the Magisterium and Catholic biblical teaching, especially in homily preparation and for successful transmission of Sacred Scripture in preaching. Demonstrate knowledge of the major themes and content of the Old and New Testament and relate them to personal experience and explain them in various venues and to diverse audiences.
- Articulate God's self-revelation in creation, Jesus, Scripture, liturgy and through people - especially the poor.″ Articulate the dignity of the human person, and the concepts of sin, grace, redemption, second coming and end times.
- Articulate the dogma of the Trinity, sacramental theology and the Christology of Jesus' historical life, mission, death and resurrection.
- Explain the Church's hierarchy and faithfully communicate the teachings of the Magisterium; explain the place of Mary and the saints in the life of the Church.
- Explain, teach and apply Catholic moral and social principles to the key issues of the times.
- Demonstrate familiarity with the history of the Church, emphasizing the impact of the Church Fathers, Protestant Reformation, Church-State relations, the influence of the Enlightenment, and contemporary issues facing the Church in America.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the Canons regarding rights and obligations of clerics and the canons applicable to baptism, marriage and Christian burial.
- Describe the historical, spiritual, and juridical aspects of liturgy and be able to explain, teach, and apply the relationship among worship, belief, and our lives.