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College of Human Development, Culture, and Media

CommArts Graduate Studies Introduces New Webinar Series to Connect with Prospective Students - Seton Hall University

A female student working on a laptop.Graduate Studies within the College of Communication and the Arts recently introduced a new webinar and virtual information session series to connect with prospective students interested in pursuing a graduate degree. The online information sessions began earlier this year with the first session spearheaded by Museum Professions Faculty Associate & Program Director, Gregory Stevens, M.A.T., "We want to communicate the uniqueness of the Museum Professions program at Seton Hall to a broader audience through these monthly online information sessions."

The main objective for participants of the online information session is to learn more about the programs, acknowledge and answer questions about the application process, engage with faculty and administrators, and learn about scholarship and graduate assistantship opportunities.

Professor & Program Director Dr. Renee Robinson noted where the inspiration for the online information sessions originated, "The concept was based on the interactions with students at Graduate Open House and orientation, there are always a specific set of questions we get from students, basically trying to capture the essence of the program and what it entails," she said.

The online information sessions are used to inform students for each of the College's graduate programs. Dr. Robinson recently hosted a Communication Webinar in late January, "The information sessions give personality to the program and is the start of building the foundation of relationships with students," she said. "Not only is it a good opportunity for students to participate in, but a way for the programs to learn more about our prospective students," she shared.

The Director of Student Engagement & Graduate Administration, Brittany Scoles, co-presents in the sessions and answers questions about the admissions process, registration and other opportunities offered by the College. "We have applicants from all over the world apply for our graduate programs, this series allows for applicants to make a direct connection with program faculty and to have their graduate application questions answered," Scoles shared.

Dr. Robinson also noted, the information sessions are just a piece of the puzzle, "The online sessions are just phase two to help students build that identification process and as we progress through each phase, we'll tailor the experience to become more personal for the students," she shared. Professor Stevens added, "We anticipate that by broadening the scope of our recruitment efforts, we are able to reach a more diverse prospective audience across the country and beyond. This opportunity to connect virtually with students from all backgrounds and varied academic experiences, and shared museum-related career goals is one of the benefits of these programs," he said.

The new webinar series proves to be a great way to connect with students at various times. It helps to bridge the gaps of information and pose as an alternative to attending an Open House, especially for international students. In agreement, both Professor Stevens and Dr. Robinson agreed these information sessions are feasible and a great addition to the College's recruitment arsenal.

To register for an upcoming webinar please visit:

M.A. in Museum Professions Online Information Session

M.A. in Communication Online Information Session

Combo Info Session: M.A. in Museum Professions + M.A. in Communication

The College currently offers graduate-level programs in Museum Professions and Communication, including the opportunity to pursue a unique area of study, including options in Public Relations, Digital Communication/Communication Technologies, and Communication in Organizations. In addition, four dual-degree options, including three accelerated master's/B.A. programs and a dual M.A. degree with the School of Diplomacy and International Relations are offered.

For more information about Graduate Studies within the College of Communication and the Arts, please contact Dr. Ryan Hudes.

Categories: Arts and Culture, Education