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College of Arts and Sciences

Assistant Professor Participates in Moroccan University's First Online Doctoral Seminar Series - Seton Hall University

Youssef YacoubiYoussef Yacoubi, assistant professor in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, will participate in the first online doctoral seminar series (May-July 2020), "Language, Culture, Society," organized by the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences at Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco. Dr. Yacoubi will run a webinar on "Presenting and Writing for Publication: Steps, Strategies and Submission" on July 14, 2020, at 16:00-17:30 GMT.

"Language, Culture, Society" aims to attract national and international experts to facilitate pedagogical and theoretical workshops and to build bridges of scholarly collaboration and cultural exchange among universities from the Middle East, the USA and worldwide. These webinars aim to connect graduate students and scholars in the humanities and social sciences especially in order to confront these difficult times of the spread of Covid 19.

The webinars are designed for graduate students and scholars interested in such topics as Fundamentals of Social Science Research Design, Action Research, the Role of Theory in Research, Qualitative Research Methods, Quantitative Analysis, Writing a Research Proposal, Writing an Effective Review of the Literature, Writing the Methodology Chapter, Writing the Results Chapter, Writing the Discussion Chapter, Citation Styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.), Bibliography and Citation Tools, Research Ethics, Presenting and Writing for Publication, Designing the Research Instruments (questionnaire, interview guide, focus group, etc.), Preparing for the Defense and Publishing Scholarly Work.

For further information, click here.

Categories: Department of Languages Literatures and Cultures