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Seton Hall University

Key Texts for Nine Themes in Catholic Social Teaching

Key Texts for Nine Themes in Catholic Social Teaching 1

Theme Most Important Texts
The Dignity of Every Person and Human Rights Pacem in Terris, 8 - 38
Gaudium et Spes, 12 - 19
Centesimus Annus, 6 - 11
Solidarity, Common Good and Participation Pacem in Terris, 98 - 108
Gaudium et Spes, 26 - 32 and 68 - 75
Solicituo rei Socialis, 35 - 40
Family Life Gaudium et Spes, 47 - 52
Octogesima Adveniens, 13
Laborem Exercens, 10 and 19
Subsidiary and the Proper Role of Government Quadragemiso Anno, 76 - 87
Mater et Magistra, 51 - 77 and 122 - 177
Pacem in Terris, 140 - 141
Property Ownership in Modern Society:
Rights and Responsibilities
Quadragemiso Anno, 44 - 52
Mater et Magistra, 51 - 67 and 104 - 121
Centesimus Annus, 30 - 43
The Dignity of Work, Rights of Workers and Support for Labor Unions Rerum Novarum, 1 -3, 20 - 21 and 31 - 38
Mater et Magistra, 68 - 81
Laborem Exercens, 1 - 27
Colonialism and Economic Development Mater et Magistra, 157 - 211
Pacem in Terris, 121 - 125
Popolorum Progressio, 1 - 87
Peace and Disarmament Pacem in Terris, 109 - 119
Gaudium et Spes, 77 - 90
US Bishops' "The Challenge of Peace"
Option for the Poor and Vulnerable Gadium et Spes, I
Octogesima Adveniens, 23
Centesimus Annus, II

1 Thomas Massaro, S.J., Living Justice: Catholic Social Teaching in Action, Lanham, Maryland: Sheed & Ward, 2000. Table 2, p. 167.

Catholic Statements on the Environment Mentioned in "The Greening of American Catholicism":

  • Peace with God the Creator, Peace With all of Creation (John Paul II, World Day of Peace Message, 1 January 1990)
  • Renewing the Earth: An Invitation to Reflection and Action on Environment in Light of Catholic Social Teaching (US Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1991)
  • At Home in the Web of Life: A Pastoral Message on Sustainable Commitments in Appalachia (Catholic Bishops of Appalachia, 1995)
  • Global Climate Change: A Plea for Dialogue, Prudence and the Common Good (US Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2001)
  • For I Was Hungry and You Gave Me Food: Catholic Reflections on Food, Farmers, and Farmworkers (US Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2003)
  • The Columbia River Watershed: Caring for Creation and the Common Good (Bishops of the Pacific Northwest, British Columbia and Alberta, 2001)