Anne Mullen-Hohl , Ph.D.
Retired Associate Professor
Department of Languages Literatures and Cultures
(973) 761-9464
Fahy Hall
Room 251
Anne Mullen-Hohl, Ph.D.
Retired Associate Professor
Department of Languages Literatures and Cultures
My main scholarly interests are 19th and 20th Century French Literature. Whereas my area of specialization is the works of Flaubert, and I have publications on this topic, including a a book entitled Exoticism In "Salammbô", considered Flaubert's African novel, my research and publications also include Francophone literature. During my time in Seton Hall I have developed a mission for teaching which has become a true passion that stimulates exciting ideas in the classroom and enriches my research, thanks to the participation of my students. It has been a great source of great pleasure to find that the numbers of students studying French in Seton Hall has increased greatly while I have been coordinating the French Program.
- PhD, Columbia University
- M.A, Columbia University
- Honors BA, U.C.D. Dublin, Ireland
- La Question de l'oralité dans l'oeuvre de Maryse Condé, Francographies: Métissage, April 2002
- La Problématique de l'ensignement chez Maryse Condé, Francographies: Actes du cinquième Colloque, April 2000
- Création et Réalité d'Expression Française, Société des professeurs français et francophones d'Amérique, April 2000.
- Exile in the Forest: Rite of Passage in Sony Labou Tansi's La vie et demie, Cincinnati Romance Review, April 1999
Exoticism In Salammbô: The Languages of Myth, Religion and War
Summa Publications, 1995
- Justin O'Brien Memorial Award, given periodically at the discretion of the French Department of Columbia University in recognition of distinguished dissertations
- President's Fellowship for three years at Columbia University
- Charles Phelps Taft Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Cincinnati, 1994-95
- Hewlett-Mellon Research Assistance Award, Wheaton College, Fall 1991