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Rev. Gabriel Curtis , M.Div.
Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology
Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology

(973) 275-5882

Rev. Gabriel Curtis, M.Div.

Adjunct Professor of Pastoral Theology
Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology

Committed educator: integrating real-world applications, mentorship and soft skills for career success & holistic growth.

 As an educator, my passion lies in preparing students for both career success and personal fulfillment, drawing inspiration from my deep-rooted commitment to fitness and the Catholic faith. Integrating real-world applications, mentorship, and soft skills development, I foster a holistic approach to education. Emphasizing the importance of work-life balance, I bring my dedication to fitness into the classroom, encouraging a healthy lifestyle. My faith serves as a guiding force, influencing my teaching philosophy and inspiring a sense of purpose in both academics and life. By intertwining these passions, I aim to empower students to excel in their careers while embracing spiritual and physical well-being for a truly fulfilling journey.