Mary Mueller , Ed.D.
Associate Professor
College of Human Development Culture and Media
(973) 275-2729
Jubilee Hall
Room 445
Mary Mueller, Ed.D.
Associate Professor
College of Human Development Culture and Media
Mary Mueller specializes in Mathematics Education. She was a NYC public school teacher for 12 years and uses this experience to prepare future teachers to be successful in a diverse society. Her research interests include the development of mathematical ideas and reasoning over time. She also is interested in tracing the co-construction of mathematical ideas as students work collaboratively on problem solving tasks. In addition, she focuses on in pre-service and in-service teacher preparation and development in mathematics. Her current research project, Cyber-enabled Design Research to Enhance Teachers' Critical Thinking Using a Major Video Collection, involves using well-designed teaching interventions based on a study of videos of children's expressed thinking to increase teachers' performance on measures of expertise that involve discussing and analyzing children's thinking and math content knowledge, and beliefs about mathematics and children's thinking.
- Ed.D., Rutgers University, 2007, Mathematics Education
- M.Ed., Bank Street College of Education, 1995, Mathematics Leadership
- B.S., State University of New York, 1989, Physics Management Information Systems
- "An analysis of the factors that influence preservice elementary teachers' developing dispositions about teaching all children"., Issues in Teacher Education. Education, 20(1), 17-35., February 2011
- "Promoting Equity through Reasoning", Teaching Children Mathematics, 16(9), 540- 547, May 2010
- "Convincing and Justifying in Middle School Mathematical Reasoning", Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 15(2), 108- 116, September 2009
- "An examination of preservice teachers' development of dispositions and the factors that influence them"., Teacher Education and Practice, 22(2), 145-164., April 2009
- "Measuring Social Consciousness: Using Multiples of Evidence to Examine Teacher Dispositions", Journal of Ethnographic Qualitative Research, 2, 129- 137, April 2008
- "Tracing middle school students' construction of arguments", In T. de Silva Lamberg and L. R. Weist (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Lake Tahoe, Nevada: University of Nevada, Reno, 581- 587, April 2007
- "The co-construction of arguments by middle school students", In T. de Silva Lamberg and L. R. Weist (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Lake Tahoe, Nevada: University of Nevada, Reno, 708- 710, April 2007
- "Lesson Study in a Professional Development School", Journal of Education for Teaching: International Research and Pedagogy, 33(1), 119- 120, November 2006
- "Teachers in Action" , Academic Exchange Quarterly, 10(3), 203- 205, September 2006
- University Research Council Award, 2008, Seton Hall University
- Teacher Interventions in Promoting Mathematical Reasoning and Understanding, 2008.