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Department of Information Technology

Teaching, Learning & Technology Roundtable

To view the interest form, click here

What is The Teaching, Learning & Technology Roundtable (TLTR) 

Established in 1995, the Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable is composed of representatives from academic and administrative areas of the University. Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Department of Information Technology, the Teaching, Learning & Technology Roundtable (TLTR) is a consortium of faculty, administrators and students who, on behalf of the University, meet and discuss issues and topics related to instructional technology. The Roundtable is comprised of action teams (subcommittees) which meet regularly to discuss institutional issues related to teaching, learning, and technology. The TLT Roundtable makes recommendations in support of the University's Strategic Plan as outlined by stakeholders such as the Faculty Senate, Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Department of Information Technology, and other key organizations or groups. 

The Provost’s Charge

On behalf of the University, and in the interests of enlightened use of technology for teaching and learning, we place before the Seton Hall University Teaching, Learning and Technology Roundtable the following charge:  

  • To serve as a forum and meeting place for discussion of institutional issues related to teaching, learning, and technology  
  • To create action teams to achieve essential short-term goals deemed necessary by the Steering Committee of the TLTR, and by their constituencies, advancing to the cabinet recommendations as they emerge from these teams  
  • To provide a forum for discussion and recommendations to enhance the long-range technology goals through representative participation by various stakeholders such as the faculty, students, Faculty Senate, Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Department of Information Technology, and other key organizations or groups. 
  • To communicate regularly with all segments of the campus on the TLTR's activities and progress  
  • To stay informed of national trends in technology integration in higher education and introduce these trends to the University community

Steering Committee 

The charge to the Steering Committee of the TLTR is to set the agenda for the academic year for the full TLTR; to prioritize issues that will be addressed in the academic year; to advise and provide feedback on IT policy and practice; to set themes for CDI funding and propose a process for selection of projects; to advise and provide recommendations on the University’s Mobile Computing Program. 

The Steering Committee of the TLTR will be chaired by both a Faculty Chair (Co-Chair), appointed by the Provost and the Director of the Teaching, Learning and Technology Center (Co-Chair).  Other members of the steering committee will include:  the University’s CIO; the dean of University Libraries; dean of Continuing Education & Professional Studies; the dean of the College of Arts & Sciences; a dean from CON or SHMS to represent the IHS campus, one dean of a professional school, to rotate each year between the College of Human Development, Culture, and Media, School of Law and the Stillman School of Business; one dean from the remaining schools on the South Orange campus to rotate each year between the College of Human Development, Culture, and Media, the School of Theology and the School of Diplomacy; the Chair of the Faculty Senate (or designee), the President of the SGA (or designee). 

The Full TLTR 

The full membership of the TLTR will consist of faculty, students and employee volunteers who are committed to using technology to enhance teaching and learning.  The membership will chair or serve on various working groups, identified by the Steering Committee, to accomplish specific tasks, educate the community on instructional technology issues and/or best practices, conduct research on emerging technologies, draft instructional technology policy and practice, assess current technologies and practices and/or conduct pilot projects. 

Standing Working Groups 

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Committee
    Ruchin Kansal, Jessica Rauchberg
    Research AI’s effects on higher education, aid policy development, curate integration best practices, and explore AI’s implications for the future workplace.

  • Emerging Trends in Tech Committee
    Christine Lhowe, Renee Cicchino
    Create a vision for technology usage in teaching and learning to promote high quality and innovative education, while preparing the University for future opportunities and challenges.

  • Online Learning Committee
    Chair: Mary Ellen Roberts
    Research and recommend policies and processes to ensure online courses are reviewed in a timely manner and in compliance with University policy.


The Steering Committee will convene quarterly.  The full TLTR will hold an annual kick-off in September with follow-up meetings in November, February and April.  Working groups will convene on their own schedule with the frequency to complete the tasks charged with by the Steering Committee and will report their progress at the full TLTR meetings. 

TLTR Interest Form

If you have questions about the TLTR, please email [email protected].

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  [email protected]

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