Curricular Initiatives: School of Health and Medical Sciences
Faculty members in the School of Health and Medical Sciences engage in assessment of student learning on a regular basis. The following are examples of assessments based on program learning goals and student learning outcomes which were conducted in the 2012-2013 school year.
M.S. in of Athletic Training
Program learning goals for students graduating with a M.S. in Athletic Training included student knowledge and skills in eight content areas of the National Athletic Trainers Association Athletic Training Education Competencies:Evidence-Based Practice, Prevention and Health Promotion, Clinical Examination and Diagnosis, Acute Care of Injury and Illness, Therapeutic Interventions, Psychosocial Strategies and Referral, Healthcare Administration, and Professional Development and Responsibility. Assessment was completed through exams, presentations, group projects, clinical evaluations, and other student assignments.
M.S. in Occupational Therapy
Program learning goals for students graduating with a M.S. in Occupational Therapy included the ability to practice ethically in collaboration with others. Faculty members assessed students' perceptions of knowledge and skills related to ethical practice after completing specific coursework. Students reported that specific activities contributed to the development of self-efficacy and skills in ethical analysis and problem solving including: (1) focus on ethical principles named in the American Occupational Therapy Association's Code of Ethics, (2) case-based discussion, and (3) the use of the Learning Through Discussion format.
M.S. in Physician Assistant
One of the program learning goals for the Physician Assistant program included the development of student competence in research. To assess this goal, each cohort of students had to conduct an authentic research project to present at the Petersheim Exhibition and at the School of Health and Medical Sciences Research Colloquium. Students were evaluated on their ability to use common statistical terms, describe their method of analysis, and explain why they had selected the particular method they chose to use.
M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology
The student learning outcome selected for assessment for the Speech-Language Pathology program was students' ability to screen and/or evaluate, diagnose, plan and provide intervention for individuals with communication and swallowing disorders across the lifespan using an evidence-based practice framework. The program tracked student performance on an ongoing basis using papers, exams, and other assignments.
Ph.D in Health Sciences
One program learning goal for students graduating with a Ph.D. in Health Sciences was completion of a scholarly literature review and presentation of the findings to an academic group which was then assessed by two faculty members. One outcome of this project was that faculty members found that this assessment exercise highlighted the importance of the program having a "standard" (i.e., rubric) that is applied throughout the program so that all students learn the same fundamentals in respect to what is expected for the basic scholarly presentation of a literature review. Based on feedback from the first round of presentations the faculty will be revising and assessing the rubric in the 2013-2014 academic year.
D.P.T. in Physical Therapy
One program learning goal for students in the Physical Therapy program was the students' ability to be a critical consumer of the literature and producer of new information. Students had to create products in the form of abstracts, posters, and similar work to demonstrate competency of this skill. Additionally, students were rated on their participation at local, regional, and national educational and professional gatherings.