Learning Outcomes and Assessment
Core 1101: Journey of Transformation Goals
- Identify and engage the issues and questions central to the Catholic intellectual
- Discuss core texts of the Catholic intellectual tradition, broadly understood, and how they inform the journey of transformation.
- Integrate new information from multiple perspectives.
- Demonstrate Freshman level proficiency in Reading & Writing, and in Critical Thinking.
Core 2101 Goals
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of the central questions at work in the encounter between Christianity and culture, faith and reason, religious belief and science, belief and unbelief, and Christianity and society through written assignments, quizzes and exams.
- Students will demonstrate an understanding of the notion of historical development as it manifests itself in the Catholic intellectual tradition’s engagement with the world, through in-class analysis of texts, and written assignments comparing primary texts in historical sequence.
- Students will participate in a community of discourse by means of a careful reading of a common set of primary texts, and by learning to analyze and critique ideas through engagement with other students in class