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Seton Hall University

Inside the Core: Ana Maria Pineda - Seton Hall University

Dr. ana mariaInside the Core this week, we are very excited to welcome Dr./Sister Ana Maria Pineda, Associate Professor at Santa Clara University, who will be speaking via TEAMS on March 31st at 5 p.m. as part of our Romero-King events. At the same time, we will be showing Dr. Pineda’s talk on a large screen in the Walsh Library Beck rooms, A and B, with light refreshments, for those of us who want to gather to share the experience.

Dr. Pineda has written two books related to Saint Oscar Romero – Romero and Grande: Companions on the Journey (Lectio Publishing, 2016) and Rutilio Grande: Legacy and Memory of a Jesuit Martyr (Lectio Publishing, January 2022). Rutilio Grande, recently beatified by Pope Francis, was the friend of Oscar Romero, killed shortly after St. Romero became bishop of El Salvador. This death profoundly affected Romero, though he had already begun the journey of identification with the poor through his earlier ministry as a priest among the poorest of El Salvador. The links between these two martyrs is wonderfully explored by Dr. Pineda, who is related, in fact, to Grande and is also Salvadoran, with family living in El Salvador.

Assistant Core Director Maribel Landrau brought Dr. Pineda to our attention in the Core, as she heard her interviewed by America Magazine regarding the beatification of Rutilio Grande. She was so impressed by this presentation that she connected her with me, and I was equally excited to have Dr. Pineda come to Seton Hall (albeit virtually, the only option – hopefully in person in the future).

Please join us on March 31 at 5, in the Walsh Library Beck Rooms A and B or on TEAMS.
Links for Dr. Pineda's books HERE and HERE. Please spread the word!

Categories: Faith and Service