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Seton Hall University

Faculty Learning Communities

Join one of our Faculty Learning Communities:
  • Contemplative Pedagogy Leadership Seminar
    The Seton Hall University Contemplative Community initiative seeks to advance the use of contemplative pedagogy on our campuses.
  • Digital Humanities Faculty Learning Community
    The goal of the Digital Humanities Faculty Learning Community is to bring together faculty interested in DH for conversation and mutual support.
  • Experiential Learning Fellows Program
    The Experiential Learning Fellows program aims to promote and sustain the delivery of impactful experiential learning at the university. This collaborative, workshop-style program will equip faculty members with the knowledge, skill, and strategy to produce experiential learning activities that align with the unique needs and goals of their respective school or college.

  • Faculty Parents Learning Community
    • Faculty with children and other care giving responsibilities face unique challenges as they try to achieve work-life balance and manage the rigors of academia. This group provides a space for support, information sharing, and action. Some areas of interest to this group include: identifying affordable childcare options; greater information transparency around Seton Hall policies on maternity and paternity benefits; enhancing understanding across the university of the challenges faced by caregivers; identifying best practices and providing information that supports faculty parents and caregivers.
    • For additional information about participating in this group, contact Dan (Brian) Nichols ([email protected]).
  • Faculty Seminar on Challenging Racism and Teaching for Inclusivity
    The purpose of this faculty seminar is four-fold: 
    • for participants to become agents for change in their departments, schools/colleges, and/or discipline;
    • to familiarize participants with major theoretical frameworks employed by social/behavioral scientists and other academics/intellectuals/pundits involved in these discussions in analyzing and addressing racism/exclusion, interpreting current controversies, and advancing productive dialogue on such sensitive and polarizing issues;
    • for participants to reflect on the implications of racial disparities and racial injustice on higher education curricula, pedagogical strategies, and classroom management;
    • to provide participants with an opportunity to develop a new course, or revise one that has been offered in the past, in a way that demonstrates a more acute sensitivity and commitment to teaching for inclusivity in their disciplines.
  • Faculty Learning Community for Pedagogy
    The Faculty Learning Community for Pedagogy is intended to be a collaborative, supportive community of peers where we reflect on teaching practices, share challenges and celebrate successes.

  • International Faculty Learning Community
    • The goal of the International Faculty Learning Community is to bring together both international faculty and those interested in their issues and challenges in order to share information and provide support. The group hosts speakers from both within and outside the university who can assist international faculty as they balance the rigors of academic life and the intricacies of the systems relating to their life and work in the country.
    • Those interested in joining this group are asked to contact Muhammad Farooq ([email protected]) and Golbarg Rekabtalaei ([email protected]).
  • SHe WILL - Seton Hall Elevating Women in Learning and Leadership
    SHe WILL - Seton Hall Elevating Women in Learning and Leadership - is a new mentoring program and faculty learning community for faculty who identify as female to learn and share how we navigate academia.
  • Study Abroad Faculty Learning Community
    The goal of the Study Abroad Faculty Learning Community is to bring together faculty interested in study abroad for conversation and mutual support, regardless of whether you are a study abroad veteran or have never taught a course internationally before.
  • University Teaching Fellows Program
    The purpose of the University Teaching Fellows Program is threefold: to promote excellence in teaching and learning; to provide support for faculty in the tenure, promotion, and renewal process; and to cultivate faculty to assume leadership positions within the university community.