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Seton Hall University

Health Requirements

Student Health Portal

Every student is required to submit a Health History form, TB Risk Assessment, and Meningitis Information Sheet which can be found online in the Student Health Portal. Login with your PirateNet credentials. Instructions are provided within the portal.

Immunization Requirements

All students under the age of 31 years are required to submit documentation of immunization.

Guidelines are established based on New Jersey law (NJAC 8:57-6), Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) guidelines, American College Health Association (ACHA) guidelines, and University policies.

  1. Measles Vaccination: proof of two doses after age one and thirty days apart, or laboratory proof of immunity.
  2. Mumps Vaccination: proof of two doses or laboratory immunity.
  3. Rubella Vaccination: proof of two doses or laboratory proof of immunity.
  4. Hepatitis B Vaccine: if enrolled in 12 or more credits: proof of three doses.
  5. Meningococcal Meningitis Vaccine (ACWY): All students who meet one or more of the following criteria: 1.any students 18 years of age or younger 2. students 19 years of age and older who are applying to live in college housing 3. any students with underlying medical risk factors per CDC guidance.

Immunization Recommendations (Not Required)

  1. Tetanus vaccine within past ten years.
  2. Varicella (Chicken pox)
  3. Human Papillomavirus
  4. Influenza
  5. Hepatitis A
  6. Pneumococcal (Pneumonia/for high risk groups)
  7. Meningitis B (for students living on campus)
  8. COVID-19 Vaccination: 1 or 2 doses to complete the primary series of a CDC or WHO approved COVID-19 vaccine

For information regarding specific vaccines, please visit here »

Contact the Health Service at (973) 761-9175 for additional information.


1. Medical Exemption: Students are not required to have any vaccinations that are medically contraindicated. To apply for a medical exemption, the student must have the Medical Exemption form completed and signed by a health care provider. Students applying for a medical exemption from a certain vaccination must comply with all other pre-entrance health requirements including alternate laboratory antibody testing for the vaccine that the student cannot receive (i.e., measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B). Completed forms should be uploaded through the Medicat student health portal.

Applications for medical exemptions from certain vaccinations are reviewed and approved by the Director of Health Services. When the student’s medical condition permits vaccination, the medical exemption will end and the student will be required to obtain the vaccination that he/she was exempted from receiving.

Seton Hall University may temporarily exclude a student with a medical exemption from vaccination from classes and from participating in college sponsored activities during a vaccine-preventable disease outbreak or threatened outbreak. The decision to exclude a student with a medical exemption will be made by the University in consultation with the New Jersey Commissioner of Health.
Reference: N.J.A.C. 8:57-6.14

2. Religious Exemption: New Jersey permits exemption from mandatory vaccination for students with religious objections to the administration of these agents. To apply for a religious exemption, the student must provide the Health Service with the completed Religious Exemption that is dated and signed by the student (co-signed by the parent or legal guardian if the student will be under 18 years of age by the time of campus arrival). Completed forms should be uploaded to the Medicat Student Health Portal.

Students applying for a religious exemption from vaccinations must comply with all other pre-entrance health requirements including alternate laboratory antibody testing for those diseases against which the student has not been vaccinated and which are required for attendance at Seton Hall University. These include measles, mumps, rubella, and hepatitis B.

Applications for religious exemptions from vaccination are reviewed and approved by the Director of Health Services and/or designees. Seton Hall University may temporarily exclude a student with a religious exemption from vaccination from classes and from participating in college sponsored activities during a vaccine-preventable disease outbreak or threatened outbreak. The decision to exclude a student with a religious exemption will be made by the University in consultation with the New Jersey Commissioner of Health.
Reference: N.J. A.C. 8:57-6:15.

Additional information on immunization requirements may be found at: