Welcome Message for Mathematics Students
Eric Bell, a Scottish mathematician, once said that "Mathematics is the Queen and the Servant of the Sciences." I think this is a great way to think of the scope and power of mathematical thinking. To me, mathematics underlies the sciences, and that statement is only becoming more true as time passes. (You cannot be a modern day biologist or forensic scientist without understanding something of probability.) But, as a tried and true mathematician, I understand that the tools of the trade involve a real appreciation for logic and abstraction. So in the Department of Math and Computer Science, you will find courses which will appeal to your applied side as well as courses that will school you in the techniques that make math what it is…. Rigorous and Regal.
Our math majors fall into two groups: math and math education. For students, I would urge you to contact the department for advising as soon as you perceive that the study of math might be for you. As opposed to other areas of the liberal arts curriculum, math is more like rope climbing a mountain to get to the top than stopping at scenic overlooks to get a glimpse in various directions. Good advising can help you reach the summit more quickly and purposefully.
One of the hallmarks of the department is our commitment to undergraduate research, an opportunity to really be an apprentice mathematician. Students who show mathematical talent and commitment to hard work are invited to work on research projects with faculty and to submit publications to a research journal. Our faculty do research in the diverse areas such as discrete math and graph theory, complex variables, differential equations and number theory. In addition, students often present results in a seminar setting both here and at undergraduate conferences nearby, and participate in various mathematics competitions in the area.
The U.S. always faces a shortage of mathematically skilled thinkers, and graduates of our program enjoy wonderful job prospects. Our math education majors have an excellent placement record post-graduation, while recent Seton Hall mathematics majors have found employment in diverse areas like in the telecommunications industry, in pharmaceutical houses, and at various business and actuarial firms. In addition some majors, from both sides of the aisle, have pursued graduate studies in mathematics, law, and finance. Again, welcome! Please contact me if you have questions.
John T. Saccoman, Ph.D.
Chair, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science