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Seton Hall University

Liberi Tutti!-a new play based on Chesterton's The Surprise comes to the 2022 Rimini Meeting - Seton Hall University


Image of G.K.Chesterton

Liberi Tutti! will be presented at the 2022 Rimini Meeting on August 20th, 2022 at the Galli Theatre in Rimini.

The G. K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture at Seton Hall University and the Rimini Meeting are pleased to announce an online conversation about Liberi Tutti! - a new play based on G. K. Chesterton’s The Surprise that will be presented at the 2022 Rimini Meeting on August 20th, 2022 at the Galli Theatre in Rimini. The theme of this year’s Rimini Meeting is “A Passion for the Person.” It will include a conversation with Otello Cenci, Creative and Artistic Director of the Rimini Meeting and Dr. Dermot Quinn, Professor of History and editor of  The Chesterton Review. The conversation will be moderated by Mrs. Gloria Garafulich-Grabois, Director, G. K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture. The event will be streamed online via Microsoft Teams.

This event will take place Thursday, June 9, 2022—from 3:00 – 4:00 pm (ET) via Microsoft Teams.

To join please click on the link here.

About the Event

The conversation will center on the work and annual gathering at the Rimini Meeting as well as the presence of G. K. Chesterton as this event and past collaborations of the Rimini Meeting and the G. K. Chesterton Institute.

Otello Cenci remarks: “As I was looking for a work that would deepen the theme of this year’s meeting, I came across the text of Chesterton’s The Surprise. This text has been adapted under the title of Liberi Tutti! which is based on Chesterton’s play that was written in 1931 for a performance in his hometown of Beaconsfield. Through this text, perhaps Chesterton wanted to answer in his own way to Six Characters in Search of an Author by Pirandello (1921): it is the Metatheatre that gives substance to Chesterton’s text, which differs from Pirandello’s work for its extreme lightness and irony through which profound and important themes are addressed.”

The Chesterton Institute has previously collaborated with the Rimini Meeting for the stage adaptations of Chesterton’s The Ballad of the White Horse (2011); Manalive (2013) and the Chesterton Exhibit La Casa di Chesterton in 2013.

About the Speakers

Otello Cenci is Director of the Performing Arts Division at the Rimini Meeting and Creative and Artistic Director at Made Officina Creativa. He has produced stage adaptations of works by T. S. Eliot, A. Camus and G. Leopardi as well as TV productions (RAI2), and the stage production of Aldo Finzi’s La Serenata al Vento, and has also directed productions of works by Shakespeare, Thomas More and Paul Claudel among others. In 2011, he worked with the G. K. Chesterton Institute for Faith & Culture for the stage production of Chesterton’s The Ballad of the White Horse (Rimini Meeting, 2011); and in 2013 for the production of Chesterton’s Manalive (Rimini Meeting 2013). Mr. Cenci is currently working with the Institute in preparation for this year’s stage production of Chesterton’s play The Surprise which will be presented at the Rimini Meeting 2022 in August.

Dermot Quinn, D.Phil. is Professor of History at Seton Hall University and Editor of The Chesterton Review. He was educated at Trinity College, Dublin and New College, Oxford, where he was awarded a doctorate in 1986. He has written extensively on Chestertonian themes, has authored three books The Irish in New Jersey: Four Centuries of American Life (Rutgers University Press, 2004) (winner, New Jersey Studies Academic Alliance, Non-fiction Book of the Year, 2005); Patronage and Piety: The Politics of English Roman Catholicism, 1850-1900 (Stanford University Press/Macmillan, 1993) and Understanding Northern Ireland (Baseline Books, Manchester, UK, 1993) and many articles and reviews in the field of British and Irish history.

To learn more about this event, click here.


Categories: Arts and Culture, Faith and Service

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