Glossary of Terms
What does DOVE stand for? How is “prerequisite” defined? And what do students mean when they say they’re off to “the Rec”? We hope the following list clarifies a few of these college-related terms, “SHU lingo” included.
- Academic Credit: The term used to describe how much credit a course is worth, generally based on how many hours a student spends in the class. Each class at SHU is worth one, two, three or four credit hours. The words “credits” and “hours” are used interchangeably. Each major program requires a certain number of credit hours to graduate.
- Academic Load: The number of credit hours a student carries in a semester.
- Alma Mater: The school, college or university that a student attends; also the song or hymn of a school, college or university.
- ARC: Acronym for the Ruth Sharkey Academic Resource Center, located in the College of Arts and Sciences. The center supports student learning and achievement in and out of the classroom through tutoring, nationally competitive scholarship information and application assistance, and pre-professional major advisement.
- B.A.: Acronym for the Bachelor of Arts degree. Requirements for this degree vary from school/college.
- B.S.: Acronym for Bachelor of Science degree. Requirements for this degree vary from school/college.
- Banner: Also known as “Student Self-Services,” Banner is an online computer program that is used by students to sign up for classes, check grades, view holds, and perform degree audits. Banner is accessible from the “MyInfo” tab on PirateNet.
- Bursar: Handles finances, including billing and accounts receivable for tuition.
- CASE Van: Acronym for Campus Area Safety Escort. Public Safety provides one way service from campus to destinations within a half-mile radius of campus. The service runs 5 p.m. - 2 a.m. daily.
- Class Standing: Freshman, sophomore, junior or senior. Class standing is determined by the cumulative number of credit hours completed.
- Code of Conduct: SHU’s “mission statement” in regard to appropriate behavior—the University Community Standards of Conduct. Some SHU schools/colleges and divisions also have codes of conduct.
- COMPASS: Also known as “the first year experience, this program fosters a living and learning environment in Aquinas and Boland Halls, with structured and focused opportunities for students to connect what they learn in class to what happens outside the classroom. Staff members work closely with Freshman Studies to provide a wide variety of programmatic opportunities to begin to explore the University’s mission – what it means to be a servant leader in a global society.
- Co-op: Abbreviation for Cooperative Education program. Participants gain real-life work experience while earning money and academic credit.
- Core Curriculum: Also known as the “Signature Core.” Every undergraduate student at Seton Hall must complete the core curriculum in order to graduate. The core typically consists of three semesters of philosophy and religious studies; two semesters of English, social sciences, history and foreign language; and one semester each of math and oral communication.
- Dean: The academic title for the head of a school or college at the University. Title may also apply to the person in charge of a non-academic department.
- Desk Assistant: Staff member of the Department of Residence Life who assists students in the lobby of the residence halls.
- DOVE: Acronym for Division of Volunteer Efforts. In the spirit of the University’s Catholic mission to serve others, DOVE oversees a variety of activities in which SHU students can become involved.
- FAFSA: Acronym for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Document issued by the US government to determine eligibility for student loans and grants.
- FERPA: Acronym for Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. This federal law protects the privacy of student education records.
- Freshman Studies: Seton Hall's award-winning program geared toward first-year students. This multifaceted program is designed to offer comprehensive academic advisement and guidance (in the form of a Peer Adviser and Mentor) to help freshmen meet their personal, academic and professional goals.
- Galleon Food Court: Located in the lower level of the University Center and adjacent to the Pirate Dining Room, this a la carte dining area features Nathans, Leaves and Grains, a pizzeria and the Pirate Shop.
- GPA: Acronym for Grade Point Average.
- Hold: If a student has an outstanding obligation to the university (e.g., balance due, unpaid parking tickets, missing health forms), a hold might be placed on the account. A hold usually restricts students from registering or requesting transcripts.
- Journey of Transformation: A class in the core curriculum. This course introduces students to Catholic intellectual tradition and other religious ideas around the world through classic texts.
- Liberal Arts: Core curriculum in history, literature, language, philosophy, theology, the social sciences and related disciplines that form the basis of human knowledge.
- Living Room: Located in the University Center, the Living Room is a comfortable gathering area for individuals and groups. It was designed to meet the needs of the University’s commuter student population.
- Main Lounge: Located in the University Center, the Main Lounge is commonly used for meetings, dinners, guest speakers and other special events.
- PA: Acronym for Peer Adviser. A student employee of sophomore, junior or senior standing, a Peer Adviser is assigned to each SHU freshman as part of the Freshman Studies Program.
- PIN: A PIN is a unique number issued to students so that they can register for classes.
- PC Support Services (PCSS): The first level of on-campus support for laptop, desktop and printers. PCSS is responsible for the distribution/set-up, troubleshooting and maintenance and lease end/disposal of all IT assets on the SHU campus.
- Pirate Adventure: Seton Hall University’s name for New Student Orientation.
- Pirate Dining Room: Located in the lower level of the University Center, this all-you-can-eat dining area has several food stations (i.e., Grill, Carving, Deli, Salad Bar, Wok, Pasta, Omelet…) for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
- Pirate Dollars: A declining balance account connected to the meal plan that can only be used in the University’s dining areas.
- PirateNet: The online portal where students can check email, their financial status, and schedule classes (through Banner).
- Pirate’s Cellar: Located in the Boland Hall basement, this large lounge-like area is used by residents of Boland Hall. It includes a big-screen TV and pool tables.
- Pirate’s Cove: Located in main level of the University Center, the Pirate’s Cove is a comfortable study and meeting area for students, faculty, staff and administrators. Coffee is served throughout the day, as are light breakfast, lunch and dinner items.
- Pirate’s Gold: Debit account with the University that is not connected to the meal plan. Money is deposited into a student’s account to enable purchases with a valid SHU ID. Pirate’s Gold can be used in various locations, including the bookstore, vending machines, laundry machines, Seton Hall Shuttle, Gourmet Dining Services and some off-campus locations.
- Prerequisite: A class that must be taken before students are permitted to take the next course in the sequence. For example, College English I is usually a prerequisite for College English II.
- Provost: The highest ranking academic officer at an institution of higher education.
- PSS: Acronym for the Department of Public Safety and Security. This department is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week for the safety of the University community.
- RA: Acronym for Resident Assistant. This student employee lives in the residence halls. They assume primary responsibility for responding to the personal needs of students on their floor/wing, shaping an environment that supports the Community Standards Model as well as academic and personal development.
- RC: Acronym for Residence Coordinator. The RC’s primary role is to assist students in building an inclusive community where their social, spiritual, personal and academic growth is enhanced.
- Registrar: The office or person who manages class schedules and records at a university.
- SAB: Acronym for Student Activity Board. A student-led organization providing entertainment and excursions throughout the school year in the form of concerts, stand-up comedy, films, weekend getaways, etc.
- Semester: A segment of the academic year. Seton’s Hall academic year is divided into the fall semester (August/September to December), the spring semester (January to May), and three summer sessions (one each during May, June, and July).
- SHU: Acronym for Seton Hall University.
- Seton Hall Shuttle: A shuttle service sponsored by Seton Hall’s Parking Services. Using Pirate’s Gold, riders can board from several shuttle stops on campus or within the village of South Orange. Shuttle hours are now 2 a.m. (M-W) and 2:30 a.m. (Th-Su).
- SHU Tube: A collection of YouTube videos about Seton Hall University or featuring Seton Hall faculty, students or staff.
- TA: Acronym for Teaching Assistant. Graduate students hired to assist professors in teaching their classes.
- TLTC: Acronym for the Teaching, Learning and Technology Center. The center integrates the traditional functions of academic computing and media services, promoting and supporting the use of information technology in teaching and learning on campus.
- The Green: Located at the center of campus in front of the University Center. This area is a popular space for outdoor study and relaxing, especially in the warmer weather.
- The Hall: Informal name for Seton Hall University.
- The Rec: The University Recreation Center, SHU’s sports and fitness facility. Also known as The Rec Center.
- The Rock: Informal name for the Prudential Center, located in Newark. Site where the Seton Hall men’s basketball team plays its home games.
- The University: Informal name for Seton Hall University. Note that it is capitalized when referring specifically to Seton Hall.
- Transcript: A student’s academic record. The transcript lists all the college-level classes a student has taken, the grades received for each class, as well as information about the number of credits earned, and overall GPA.
- University Weekend: An event hosted by the University the first weekend in October. This signature Fall event includes activities for alumni, current students, family and the South Orange Community. Previously referred to as U-Day.
- University Center: Formal name of the Bishop Dougherty University Center. Located at the center of campus near The Green, this building includes a number of spaces that are functional and media-equipped for media and events, as well as The Living Room, a multifunctional room designed for the University’s computer population, The Pirate’s Cove and the Galleon Room.