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Seton Hall University

Performance Appraisal for Bargaining Unit and Non-Bargaining Unit Support Staff


The purpose of the performance evaluation process is to provide consistent and equitable performance evaluation of all Seton Hall University bargaining unit and non-bargaining unit staff employees.

The program is designed to focus on results and the alignment of all bargaining unit and non-bargaining unit staff employees with University goals.

There is a focus on behaviors that support University values and culture with a commitment to goal setting and assessment. The performance evaluation system provides an opportunity for an objective dialogue between the employee and the supervisor about the individual's work performance. An employee performance evaluation form must be prepared for each employee every twelve (12) months. An interim review can be prepared whenever there is a change in the employee's performance sufficient to affect the overall rating of the previous review or whenever departmental procedures require an interim review for special purposes. Probationary evaluation reviews are to be conducted in accordance with an individual's respective collective bargaining agreement.


University Policy


This policy applies to all Seton Hall University bargaining unit and non-bargaining unit staff.

Core Performance Results Core performance results are universally applied. They are intended to describe essential behaviors that all employees, regardless of position, should demonstrate in the performance of their duties. It is what work is done.
Job Performance Competencies A competency is an underlying characteristic of an individual that causes or predicts effective and/or superior performance in a job situation. It is how the work is done.

Definitions of Adjectival Ratings

Definitions of Adjectival Ratings
Unsatisfactory A rating of unsatisfactory means that the employee’s performance does not meet minimum expectations and must improve or corrective action will be taken up to and including possible termination.
Below Expectations/Needs Improvement A rating of below expectations/needs improvement means that the employee’s performance meets some expectations in a satisfactory manner, but often fails to adequately meet some expectation(s). Deficiencies must be corrected.
Meets Expectations A rating of meets expectations means that the employee’s performance generally and usually meets performance expectations.
Exceeds Expectations A rating of exceeds expectations means that the employee’s performance is frequently and consistently very high and/or at a superior level.

Definitions of Job Performance Competencies

Definitions of Job Performance Competencies
Job Knowledge/Skills Measures employee’s demonstrated job relevant knowledge and essential skills gained through experience, general education and/or specialized training.
Communication Measures employee’s performance in exchanging oral and written information with others in a professional, effective, timely, clear, and organized manner.
Initiative / Problem Solving Measures the extent to which the employee is self-directed, resourceful, and creative in performing job duties individually or in a team. Also measures employee’s performance in identifying and resolving problems; following through on assignments; and initiating or modifying ideas, methods, or procedures.
Teamwork Measures the employee’s ability to work collaboratively in a group as a team member to accomplish stated goals and demonstrates a willingness to function as a team player.
Interpersonal Skills Measures employee’s development and maintenance of positive and constructive internal/external relationships
Work Results Measures employee’s results in meeting established objectives/expectations/standards of quality, quantity, customer service, and timeliness both individually and in a team.
Work Habits Measures employee’s ability to plan, organize and prioritize work; care of equipment of supplies.
Dependability Measures the degree to which employee can be relied upon to work steadily and effectively.
Attendance and Punctuality Punctuality; regularity of attendance.
Forward-Thinking Measures employee’s innovation, openness to new approaches/methods to accomplish work tasks. Creative thinking, thinking outside the box. Willing to apply new approaches to work.
Supervision / Management Manages programs, projects and/or employees with sound judgment, and with the appropriate expectations of achievement.


The University is committed to attracting, developing, managing, and retaining a high performing diverse and productive workforce. Effective performance management is necessary. Employee performance expectations and accountability linked to University mission, strategic plan and priorities are vital components of performance management.


The performance evaluation process shall be conducted in accordance with the following procedures.

  1. The Performance Management process has a four-phase approach: Planning, Coaching, Reviewing, and Rewarding.
  2. The performance cycle is in line with the fiscal year calendar.
  3. The Department of Human Resources will ensure that evaluation forms are electronically accessible to the immediate supervisor.
  1. Supervisors/managers will meet with their respective supervisees during the first two weeks of June to review the employee’s job description and standards for the rating cycle to ensure the evaluation relates to the specific responsibilities, job assignments, and standards that were conveyed to the employee for the rating cycle. A copy of the employee’s position description may be requested from the Department of Human Resources and should be used as a guideline for this aspect of the process.
  2. Division/department supervisors communicate University goals to bargaining unit and non-bargaining unit staff employees.
  1. The supervisor tracks individual performance and reinforces/coaches to improve performance and further develop the employee.
  2. The supervisor or employee may initiate interim review meetings to discuss performance progress to date.
  1. Within two weeks after the cycle ends on June 15, supervisors/managers will conduct performance reviews.
  2. At the end of the Performance cycle the supervisor provides the employee with a rating using the rating categories scale to provide feedback to the employee on his/her achievement of the performance expectations.
  3. The supervisor completes the Core Performance Results and the Job Performance Competencies sections. The supervisor assigns a rating at the end of each section. Comments are to be provided as appropriate.
  4. The supervisor calculates the ratings and assigns an overall rating.
  5. The evaluation will be based on the employee’s performance during the entire review period, not isolated incidents or performance prior to the review period being evaluated.
  6. Comments sections should be used to support performance ratings, indicate problem areas and provide guidance to employees on how to improve performance. Comments MUST be provided for “Exceeds Expectations,” “Below Expectations/Needs Improvement” and “Unsatisfactory” ratings, and are highly recommended for all ratings.
  7. The person who completes and signs a performance evaluation report as the rater of an employee MUST be the employee’s immediate supervisor.
  8. When the employee has worked under more than one supervisor during a rating period, the supervisor under whom the employee was working at the time the change in assignment occurred shall prepare a report for the period as the employee’s supervisor. This report is then forwarded to the new supervisor and the employee’s work performance over the entire rating period should be considered in preparing the final report.
  9. The evaluation should be discussed with the reviewing officer prior to discussion with the employee. The reviewing officer should date and sign the evaluation form at that time. (The reviewing officer is the supervisor’s supervisor.)
  10. The rating interview is the most important step in the performance review process. The evaluation shall be reviewed with the employee in a face-to-face discussion. The discussion should be under circumstances affording an informal, relaxed and private interview. It is strongly recommended that the review be held at the time the employee is shown the evaluation for the first time. After discussion, any necessary adjustments can be made to the evaluation at this time.
  11. Following discussion of the rating with the employee, the employee should date, sign and complete the comments section. The employee can request a meeting with the reviewing officer if necessary.
  1. Throughout the year, the supervisor should use non-cash recognition to reward/reinforce performance.
  2. Leadership recognizes performance annually with a pay increase. If a performance evaluation is not completed for an employee, an increase will not occur.
  3. For those employees whose overall performance is “Below Expectations/Needs Improvement”, or “Unsatisfactory” no pay increase will be awarded. (This does not apply to employees covered under a collective bargaining agreement.)

Responsible Offices

  • Department of Human Resources



Effective Date

March 16th, 2009