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Seton Hall University

Policy on Developing, Adopting and Promulgating University Policies


The purpose of this policy is to provide a standardized process for the development, approval, promulgation and management of University policies, no matter if the policy scope is University-wide, or limited to a division, school/college or department.  The University requires that all policies be promulgated in accordance with the applicable procedure, standards and format set forth in this policy.  


This policy is a University policy and applies to all administrators, faculty and staff.


  1. A policy is a set of principles that are formally established and required to be followed in  conducting University business.
  2. A procedure is a set of statements that contain the specific, prescribed actions that are required to be followed to implement established policies.  A procedure sets forth the steps, method or manner of proceeding and is more detailed than a policy statement.
  3. Responsible official is the University official charged with overseeing the administration of a policy.
  4. Academic policies are policies directly affecting the pedagogical and research mission of the University.  Academic policies are developed, adopted and promulgated by the faculty, deans, Provost, President and Board of Regents in accordance with this policy and/or in accordance with the Faculty Guide.
  5. Promulgating policies means to publish or officially announce to the community the adoption of a particular policy or policies.  A policy is promulgated by publication to the University's policies website at the direction of the responsible official as set forth in this policy.
  6. University policies are non-academic policies governing the operations and business of the University.


  1. A policy may apply to the entire University ("University policy") or may apply only within a division ("divisional policy"), or a school/college ("school/college policy") or a department ("departmental policy"). University policies may be supplemented by divisional,  school/college or departmental policies, procedures or guidelines. In the case of a conflict among or between these policies, the University policy will govern.

    Annually the President shall advise the Board of Trustees and the Board of Regents of any and all policies applicable to the Boards and or their individual members. With respect to policies adopted or revised in the intervening year, those policies shall not apply to the Trustees or the Regents, absent express approval by the Board of Trustees and/or Board of Regents, unless the policy or revision is mandated by law.
  2. Each division may utilize its own procedures for divisional policy development and approval, provided the divisional policy is approved by the appropriate Vice President.
  3. Any employee may identify the need for a new policy or a revision to an existing policy. The employee shall discuss the proposal with his/her supervisor who, in turn, may discuss it with appropriate administrators within the department, school/college and/or division, according to divisional policy.  
  4. The appropriate Vice President will determine whether a policy is departmental, school/college level, divisional or of such broad application as to constitute a University policy.
  5. All departmental policies are required to be:
    a. approved by the appropriate Vice President 
    b. promulgated by the department head
    c. maintained by the department head
    d. posted on the University's policies website
  6. All school/college policies are required to be:
    a.  approved by the appropriate dean and Provost
    b.  promulgated by the dean
    c.  maintained by the dean
    d.  posted on the University's policies website
  7. All divisional policies are required to be:
    a. approved by the appropriate Vice President
    b. promulgated by the appropriate Vice President
    c. maintained by the appropriate Vice President's Office
    d. posted on the University's policies website
  8. If a policy is to be a University policy:
    a. it is the responsibility of the appropriate Vice President to submit the proposed policy to General Counsel for review and approval  
    b. following approval by General Counsel, the appropriate Vice President is responsible for submitting the proposed policy to the Executive Cabinet for review  
    c. following its review, the Executive Cabinet shall make a recommendation to the President
    d. following a recommendation by the Executive Cabinet, the President may approve and take final action on the policy or, in his discretion, submit the proposed policy to the Board of Regents for its review and final action  
    e. all University policies must be approved by the President
    f. whether a policy receives final approval from the President or the Board of Regents, it shall be the responsibility of the Office of General Counsel to promulgate the policy
  9. All University policies are required to be:
    a. submitted to the Executive Cabinet for review and recommendation to the President
    b. approved by the President and, in his discretion, submitted to the Board of Regents for final action and approval
    c. promulgated by the Office of General Counsel 
    d. maintained by the Office of the President
    e. posted on the University's policies website
  10. All policies are required to be in writing, utilizing the attached policy template.
  11. All University, divisional, school/college and departmental policies will be posted on the official Seton Hall policies website. The policies posted on the official Seton Hall policies website are the latest and official versions of all policies.  All divisional, school/college and departmental web pages must link to the official Seton Hall policies website rather than posting their own versions of approved policy. Printed versions of a policy may be included within other printed publications, such as the employee handbook, but must include a disclaimer that the official Seton Hall policies website should be consulted for the latest and official version of any policy.  
  12. This policy applies to revisions to any policy.
  13. The University's policies are not to be considered a contract or promise of any kind, express or implied. 
  14. Under certain circumstances, the University may determine that it is appropriate to make exceptions to some of the policies on a case-by-case basis, in which event, the University is not required to make the same exception again. The University, at its discretion, may change, interpret, delete, suspend or discontinue any parts of any policy, at any time and without prior notice.  

Related Policies

Responsible Offices

  • Department of Human Resources
  • Office of EEO and Title IX Compliance
  • Office of General Counsel
  • Office of the President



Initially approved by Monsignor Robert Sheeran, President, on the recommendation of the Executive Cabinet, on April 1, 2010. Next amended by President Joseph E. Nyre, on the recommendation of the Executive Cabinet, on June 23, 2020.

Effective Date

April 1st, 2010 First amended: June 23, 2020