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Seton Hall University

Recruiting for Mission Non-Faculty Employees


To ensure mission-effectiveness by recruiting employees who understand and embrace the University's mission as a Catholic institution of higher education.


University Policy


Recruitment for all non-faculty employees.


Seton Hall University is a Catholic institution of higher education that was founded and continues to be sponsored by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Newark. As heir to the living and developing Catholic faith tradition that gave birth to universities, Seton Hall, as other universities and colleges, advances the search for truth and its dissemination in the service of the well-being of individuals, society, and humankind. To these shared tasks, Seton Hall brings the Catholic intellectual tradition and its vital connection to the Catholic Church, which distinguishing qualities enable it to make distinctive contributions to the academy and to society.
Those who are part of Seton Hall - those who work for Seton Hall and those who benefit by its services - constitute a diverse population: people of religious faith or none at all, Christians and non-Christians, Catholics and non-Catholics. This diversity is an invaluable asset. Equally priceless is the necessity that all stakeholders in Seton Hall coordinate their goals and efforts to its mission.
To ensure mission-effectiveness, Seton Hall recruits and develops its employees for mission. The program of recruiting employees for mission aims to inform prospective employees of the University's Catholic identity and mission and to help them and hiring personnel determine how they will support and contribute to the University's goals. 
Recruitment for mission is accomplished by a program consisting of various elements and procedures. The components of this program include, but are not limited to, those set forth here. They cover at least these areas:

  1. training for hiring personnel
  2. job descriptions
  3. position announcements and advertisements
  4. interviewing 


  • Hiring personnel participate in the Recruitment for Mission Training Program. This program is outlined in the Recruitment Guide. 
  • Job descriptions state clearly that the incumbent "is responsible for supporting and contributing to the Catholic educational mission of the University."
  • Position announcements and advertisements, regardless of where they are posted, contain the following statement:

    Seton Hall University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. It honors diversity and respects the religious commitments of all employees. In turn, its employees respect Catholic beliefs and values, and they support its mission as a Catholic institution of higher education.
  • In accordance with the Recruitment Guide, hiring personnel engage applicants in a conversation about Seton Hall's mission: their understanding of the mission and their willingness and ability to support it. The conversation is guided by these sample questions:
  • Having read Seton Hall University's Mission Statement and the document Seton Hall: A Catholic University or the document containing important excerpts from this publication, what are your thoughts on what you have read?
  • What aspects of Seton Hall's Catholic educational mission appeal to your career interests, past experience, and professional goals?
  • If you were selected for the position for which you are now interviewing, how would you envision your work at Seton Hall being influenced by its Catholic educational mission?
  • What opportunities and challenges do you see Seton Hall's mission affording you in your future work here?
  • Do you have any questions about Seton Hall's Catholic educational mission, especially as it might impact on your work?
  • Search Committees, as they too abide by the Recruitment Guide, follow the "Interviewing" section of the Guide and pose of all interviewees mission questions such as those that are articulated here above and are included in the Guide, in order to discern each applicant's understanding of the mission and his/her willingness and ability to support it.

Related Policies

Responsible Offices

  • Department of Human Resources



By the Board of Regents on March 22, 2012. The University reserves the right to amend this policy at any time.

Effective Date

July 1st, 2012