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Seton Hall University

Tuition Exchange Scholarship Program


Seton Hall University is a member of Tuition Exchange, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit association of colleges and universities that was founded in 1952 for the purpose of making careers in higher education more attractive. It is a reciprocal scholarship program whereby eligible, dependent children of faculty, administrators and staff employed at participating colleges or universities may earn an undergraduate degree at another participating college or university (the “importing” institution) with financial assistance being provided by the importing institution in the form of tuition waiver. Currently, there are 680 colleges and universities in the United States participating in the Program.
The purpose of this policy is to establish the terms and conditions for participation in the Tuition Exchange Scholarship Program (“the Program”). The University's membership in this organization provides faculty, administrators and staff with both the opportunity and financial support for their eligible, dependent child(ren) to earn an undergraduate degree at another college or university that participates in the Program.


University Policy



  1. Eligible faculty, administrators and staff at Seton Hall may apply for tuition exchange scholarships for their eligible, dependent child(ren) consistent with the policies and procedures of Tuition Exchange, Inc., and Seton Hall.
  1. Dependent children of regular, full-time, active employees are eligible to apply for tuition exchange scholarships in accordance with deadlines set by the University each year for acceptance of tuition exchange scholarship applications, following the employee’s completion of six (6) months of continuous service. Children must be full-time, matriculated students at the importing college or university.
  2. Dependent children of regular, part-time, active employees are eligible to apply for tuition exchange scholarships in accordance with deadlines set by the University each year for acceptance of tuition exchange applications, following the employee’s completion of 940 hours of continuous service.
  3. To be eligible to participate in the Program, eligible employees’ children (by birth, marriage or legal adoption) must meet the Federal government's definition of “dependent” as used when applying for financial aid, which includes among other criteria, that a child must be under age 24 and unmarried.
  4. Children must also be dependent upon the eligible employee for support as defined by the Internal Revenue Code (the “IRC”). The University reserves the right to request a copy of the Federal income tax return of the employee to verify dependency.

Each participating college and university establishes its own policies and procedures for determining eligibility of its own employees’ children, criteria for tuition exchange scholarships it will award, number of scholarship awards granted each year and any other requirement for participation in the Program. Satisfying admissions criteria does not make tuition exchange scholarship awards automatic. Interested applicants should check the specific requirements of participating colleges and universities. 

Seton Hall determines (or “certifies”) whether an employee’s dependent(s) is eligible as a tuition exchange scholarship applicant.

General Information and Requirements
  1. Tuition exchange policies, procedures and scholarship amounts are determined independently by each participating college and university.
  2. Tuition exchange scholarships are competitive and cannot be guaranteed. In order to be considered for a scholarship, a student must meet the eligibility requirements of the exporting college or university and admissions requirements of the importing college or university. 
  3. If a dependent child is awarded a tuition exchange scholarship at a participating college or university, Seton Hall will certify, as appropriate, the student's eligibility for tuition exchange by academic year, not to exceed eight (8) semesters or four (4) years. Additional semesters or years are not permissible.
  4. Each eligible employee, regardless of the number of children he or she has, is limited to receiving a maximum of 16 semesters or eight (8) years of tuition exchange scholarships. Each child is limited to receiving a maximum of eight (8) semesters or four (4) years of tuition exchange scholarships. Neither employees themselves nor spouses of employees are eligible to receive tuition exchange scholarships. No other family members, such as nieces or nephews, are eligible to participate in the Program. 
  5. Tuition Exchange scholarships may only be used for full-time matriculated undergraduate study during the academic year. Summer and winter session courses are excluded.
  6. If the employment of a member of the faculty, administration or staff terminates, for any reason, while his or her child is attending another college or university on a tuition exchange scholarship, the scholarship will be terminated immediately. The employee is responsible for payment of tuition to the importing college or university in accordance with the tuition policy of the importing college or university.
  7. Faculty, administrators and staff who are participating in the Program are required to pay to Seton Hall, on an annual basis, a participation fee established by the University for each child who receives notice of a tuition exchange scholarship award. The fee is intended to offset the costs incurred by the University in administering the Program and will be charged even if the child does not attend the anticipated importing institution. Payment is due when the employee receives notification of approval from Human Resources. Late payment may jeopardize a child's participation in the Program.
  8. The associate vice president for Human Resources or her/his designee is responsible for reviewing applications for tuition exchange scholarships and determining eligibility of applicants.
Application Process
  1. Employees submit a tuition exchange scholarship application to the Department of Human Resources in October of each year in order to be considered for the following academic year. The application deadline will be updated annually. (The University community is notified each year of specific dates for application submission via Broadcast/e-mail communications.)
  2. Human Resources will verify the employee’s date of employment for program eligibility.
  3. Employees will be notified of the status of their application (approved or denied participation in the program) by e-mail in November. The notification date will be updated annually. (The University community is notified each year of the date by which they will receive communication regarding the status of their application via Broadcast/e-mail communications.)
  4. Notification of eligibility does not guarantee that a child will receive a tuition exchange scholarship award. The scholarship is still subject to approval by the importing college or university to which the child has applied. The amount of the scholarship award is determined by each importing college or university. The scholarship award by the importing college or university may or may not cover one hundred percent (100%) of the child's tuition expense.
  5. The Department of Human Resources will send a copy of the Seton Hall Tuition Exchange Certificate of Eligibility to the Tuition Exchange Liaison Officer at the participating college or university selected by the eligible dependent child.
  6. Employees are notified by the participating college or university to which their eligible, dependent child has applied whether the request for a tuition exchange scholarship has been granted or denied.
  7. It is the responsibility of the Seton Hall faculty, administrator or staff member to notify the Department of Human Resources at the beginning of each academic year (Fall semester) whether the eligible, dependent child has enrolled at the participating college or university that awarded the tuition exchange scholarship.

The University reserves the right to amend this policy at any time. 

Related Policies

Responsible Offices

  • Department of Human Resources



This policy was amended and approved by Monsignor Robert Sheeran, President, and the Executive Cabinet on October 2, 2008.  Next amended by Joseph E. Nyre, Ph.D., President, on the recommendation of the Executive Cabinet, on December 14, 2021.

Effective Date

January 1st, 2009

Next amended by Joseph E. Nyre, Ph.D., President, on the recommendation of the Executive Cabinet, on December 14, 2021.