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Seton Hall University
Presidents Hall and Jubilee Bells

Community Updates

Seton Hall continues to communicate regularly with the University community regarding our Strategic Plan, Harvest Our Treasures. This page will be updated as new communications are sent.

  • November 6, 2019: Shared Goals: Peer and Pricing Committee
    Joseph E. Nyre, Ph.D., Office of the President

    Dear Members of the Seton Hall Community,

    As I announced to the campus earlier this semester, the Executive Cabinet is pursuing a series of shared goals for the 2019-20 academic year. Among them is to conduct and/or review an analysis of Seton Hall’s peer, competitor and aspirant institutions, and to carry out an undergraduate tuition-pricing study.

    These objectives should be accomplished with an eye toward providing readiness and research for Seton Hall’s ongoing strategic planning process. With that in mind, Stephen Graham, Chief Financial Officer, and Alyssa McCloud, Ph.D., Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management, have been tasked with achieving these goals. They have assembled a representative committee, of which they are the co-chairs, that includes:

    Peer and Pricing Committee:

    • Stephen Graham, Chief Financial Officer, Co-Chair
    • Alyssa McCloud, Ph.D., Senior Vice President of Enrollment Management, Co-Chair
    • Jennifer Itzkowitz, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Finance
    • David Rosenthal, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Computing and Decision Sciences
    • Elise Kerim, Student
    • Velu Krishnan, Student
    • Reverend Colin A. Kay, Director of Campus Ministry
    • Bonnie Burkhardt, Director of Business Intelligence
    • Robin L. Cunningham, Ed.S., Associate Vice President and Dean of Freshman Studies
    • Gary Thomas, Associate Director of Financial Aid

    Student members were identified and recommended by Rishi Shah, president of the Student Government Association. Faculty members were identified and recommended by Jonathan Farina, Ph.D., chair of the Faculty Senate.

    To assist with this endeavor and ensure an independent and neutral evaluation, Seton Hall has contracted with the Educational Advisory Board (EAB), a well-known Washington D.C.-based higher education consulting firm. They will engage in a three-part process as follows:

    1. Identify a peer school list that will serve as the basis for an undergraduate tuition gap analysis and for future studies on other topics, such as faculty compensation.
    2. Provide a gap analysis on undergraduate tuition pricings for this peer set as compared to Seton Hall, as well as a contextual understanding of national tuition trends.
    3. Conduct and provide results of an undergraduate tuition pricing elasticity study.

    The University committee will collaborate with representatives from EAB in a manner that is consistent with this committee charge:

    1. Work with EAB consultants on the parameters and design for compiling a peer school list and related analysis.
    2. Contribute to the design and creation of a pricing survey to be administered by the consultants.
    3. Provide other inputs and guidance to the consultants throughout the process.
    4. Ensure their work is completed in a timely fashion consistent with the expectations outlined in this message.
    5. Forward the results to the President and the Executive Cabinet for consideration in the strategic planning process.

    The work of this committee is expected to conclude by the end of January 2020. Major highlights and results will be shared with the Strategic Planning Committee and through the committee membership with their respective constituents, i.e., students will provide information to the SGA; faculty will provide information to the Faculty Senate, etc.

    I am grateful to Dr. McCloud, Mr. Graham and the entire committee for taking the lead in developing these vital analyses. The results of their work will be an invaluable asset to Seton Hall as our strategic planning process moves forward.


    Joseph E. Nyre, Ph.D.