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Seton Hall University

Transitioning Guide for Advisors

Taking time to effectively transition incoming officers is critical in the development of your student organization. To help you avoid catching up while you could be accomplishing goals, we've put together a few tips on how to effectively transition your organization:

1.   Schedule Meetings in Advanced | It is never too early to get on your students' radar! 

2.   Hold Elections Early | It is always helpful to consider holding elections earlier in the Spring. New officers should be elected before the Student Leadership Conference in March. This allows new offers to be trained on the budget application, event planning, and SGA recognition processes. Conflicts often arise when waiting until April to select and prepare your new executive team.

3.   Transition the Incumbent | Setting time aside to transition the incumbent will better set the student and the organization up for success. 

4.   Encourage the Shadowing of Outgoing Officers by Incoming Officers | It may be beneficial for new officers to see outgoing officers in their roles. This creates the space for questions or concerns to be addressed with the outgoing officer as a resource to new officers. 

5.   Strengthen Relationship Skill Building | If your organization co-sponsors with other organizations or offices, it may be important to strengthen those relationships with new officers by encouraging students to reach out and introduce themselves to key people. For example, if you organization is academic, new offers should meet the Deans and Faculty they are expected to work with as soon as possible.

6.   Plan One on One Meetings with the President and/or Executive Board | Stay connected with the President and/or Executive Board. Leave yourself open for questions and guidance. 

7.   Financial Information | Develop any action plans or necessary time-lines. Be sure that any IDT's or contracts have been properly filed and submitted. 

8.   Wrap Up Any Correspondence | Be sure to wrap up e-mails or any other communicative correspondence during the transitional period. In other words, tie up any loose ends!

9.   Reserving Rooms: Get in the Cue Earl | Encourage students to get into the room reservation cue early.

10.   Transition Binder or Digital Guide | Consider creating or updating a transitional binder or digital guide


Adapted from Villanova University's Officer Transition Guide.