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Seton Hall University

Reporting Sexual Violence

Reporting Options

Seton Hall University is committed to maintaining a positive learning, working and living environment. When sexual harassment or sexual violence has occurred and the University is made aware, steps will be taken to end the harassment or violence, prevent its reoccurrence, and address its effects.

You may choose to talk to someone confidentially. Confidential means that the person with whom you talk cannot share the information you provide with anyone without your permission.

You may also choose to talk to someone privately. The Private Reporting Options are individuals who will respect your privacy and who assist you in obtaining resources and accommodations. They may be required by law or University policy to inform other University officials about the incident, including but not limited to the Title IX Coordinator.

Confidential Reporting On Campus:

Confidential Reporting Off Campus:

*To disclose confidentially the incident and obtain services from the state of New Jersey visit or by calling the NJ Coalition Against Sexual Assault Hotline at 1(800) 601-7200.

Other assistance can also be obtained through:

*Note that these hotlines and sites are for crisis intervention, resources, and referrals, and are not reporting mechanisms. Reporting Individuals are encouraged to additionally contact a campus official so that the University can take appropriate action in these cases.

Investigation and Disciplinary Process

Regardless of whether or not you report to law enforcement, you can report to the University for review of the matter through our processes.

To make a report against a student or for detail about procedures, contact:

Karen Van Norman

AVP & Dean of Students Deputy Title IX Coordinator (973) 761-9076

To make a report against an employee, faculty member, or vendor or for detail about procedures, contact:

Toni Hindsman, M.A.

Director of EEO Compliance, Title IX Coordinator (973) 275-2513

You have the right to:

  •  A prompt, fair, and impartial process from the initial investigation to the final result. This means a process that is completed within the timeframes laid out by our policy in a manner that is transparent, provides timely notice of meetings and equal access to information to both the complainant and the respondent, and conducted by officials without a conflict of interest or bias for either party that receive annual training on how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects the safety of victims and promotes accountability.
  •   Have others present during the any institutional disciplinary proceeding, including the opportunity to be accompanied to any related meeting or proceeding by an adviser of your choice.
  • Notification, in writing, of:
    •  The result of any institutional disciplinary proceeding from your report of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
    •  The procedures to appeal the results.  Any change to the results.
    •   When the results become final.

These same rights are afforded to the Respondent as well.

Student Disciplinary Process Overview

The person making the complaint or report is called the "complainant." The person accused is called the "respondent."


The investigation is conducted trained individuals assigned by the Dean of Students Office to be Investigators for the matter. The investigators will interview the Complainant, the Respondent, and any witnesses with direct knowledge about the incident. The investigators will also collect any evidence that directly relates to the incident. The Complainant and Respondent will each have opportunity to review the summary report of their statement.

Hearing Process

Detailed information about the hearing process is available by clicking  here. Accommodations may be made to support the parties involved such as remote access to the Review Board or use of a partitioned room. Both the Complainant and Respondent may ask questions of one another and of any witnesses through the Review Board, not directly to one another. Both parties may have an adviser of their choice at all meetings they attend related to the investigation and hearing, including the hearing itself.

Hearing Decision & Appeal

The Review Board makes a decision as to responsibility of the Respondent using the standard of preponderance of the evidence. Both parties receive the written decision of the Review Board simultaneously. Both parties have the same opportunity to submit a written response to or appeal of the Board’s decision. The written decision of the Appeal Authority is provided to both parties simultaneously. The decision of the Appeal Authority is final.


The following timelines are estimates and the University may adjust them for individual matters as is necessary.


Normally concluded within eight (8) weeks of the date of the Notice of Investigation.

Scheduling of Hearing

The Student Conduct Review Board hearing will normally be scheduled within twenty (20) days of the notice of the hearing notice.

Notice of Review Board Decision

The written decision is sent to the Complainant and the Respondent within ten (10) days of the hearing.

Response to/Appeal of Decision

Both the Complainant and the Respondent have five (5) days to submit a written response/appeal.

Appeal Decision

The Appeal Authority's written decision is sent to the Complainant and Respondent within twenty (20) days of receipt of the Response/Appeal.

Employee Complaint Review Process

The person making the complaint or report is called the "complainant". The person accused is called the "respondent."

For full detail of the review process »


The investigation is conducted by the Director of EEO Compliance/Title IX Coordinator (Director) and an assigned co-investigator. The investigators will interview the Complainant, the Respondent, and any witnesses with direct knowledge about the incident. The investigators will also collect any evidence that directly relates to the incident. Both the Complainant and the Respondent may be accompanied to any meeting by an adviser of their choice, within the parameters detailed in the procedure (see above link).

Final Report

The investigators will prepare a final report stating their findings of fact. Based upon a standard of preponderance of the evidence, the investigators will determine if a violation of University policy has occurred. This will be included in the final report which is provided to appropriate University personnel, but it is not provided to the Complainant nor the Respondent.

Notice of Completion of Investigation

Both the Complainant and the Respondent will be notified of the investigation’s completion and findings.

Responsive Action

If is determined that a violation of University has occurred, the investigators will make recommendations as to responsive action. Final determination of responsive action is made by appropriate University personnel (i.e. supervisor, Human Resources). The Complainant is notified by the Director of the final determination.


All matters are handled as promptly as possible. The exact timeline will vary depending upon the complexity of the matter, the number of individuals involved, etc.

Investigation and Final Report

Will normally be completed within 50 days of receipt of the complaint by the Director.

Notice of Completion of Investigation

Within 10 days of completion of the final report.

Responsive Action

Will vary depending upon the nature of the action and any related personnel considerations.