Our work with students begins in their freshman year, when we help them decide on a major and create their career plan. We continue to connect with upperclassmen as we provide individual guidance and strategies to help them clarify their career goals, obtain internships and prepare to enter the world of work.
Career Exploration
Each student works with the same career adviser throughout their time at Seton Hall. By aligning our Career Center team with specific functions and industries we can better support students’ career goals. Career advisors work in collaboration with faculty, alumni and employers.
We encourage freshmen take My Plan, an online career assessment tool, to identify career interests and explore career fields and majors. Assessments work best when the results are discussed one-on-one with a career advisor. Details and access to career assessments are available on PirateNet.
Students have access to our internship/jobs database, career information, resume/interview tutorials, videos, career assessments and various other career management tools via PirateNet.
We host three major career fairs every year, with over 300 employers from all fields in attendance. Small industry focused fairs and networking programs are held throughout the year. In addition, we join with other “Big East” schools to host an annual virtual career fair and a joint “live” event in New York City.
Several times during the year, we invite alumni on campus to serve as panelists and industry experts . They are also available to speak one-on-one with students to help them determine their own career direction.
All students have access to the Handshake career management database, where they can upload resumes and search for opportunities. (Full time professional opportunities are also located in Handshake.) Students access Handshake through the Okta App/Chicklet.
Sample Internships
- College of Human Development, Culture, and Media
- Stillman School of Business
- School of Diplomacy and International Relations – an internship listing can be obtained from the School
Skillsurvey Results
How "Career Ready" are Seton Hall Students? We've collaborated with SkillSurvey and NACE to provide a report that demonstrates how our students compare nationally as well as satisfaction ratings from intern supervisors.
How You Can Help
Talk to your student about their career choices. We know that this is a time of exploration and students may change their major several times. You can help by asking questions, listening, and letting your student know that it is alright to explore many options.
Support your student by encouraging them to come to The Career Center and attend events. In addition to career fairs, there are many opportunities for students to connect with employers and alumni to learn more about specific career fields. Although they will have many career related resources online via PirateNet, there is no substitute for personal interaction.
Contact us if your company has needs for interns, part-time or full–time staff. Help us help your students by posting positions in Handshake. Contact us at (973) 761-9355 or [email protected].