Career Resources and Services
Please note that 1st year alumni have unlimited free access to all Career Center programs for one calendar year from the date of graduation. First-year alumni are not eligible for Seton Hall University-sponsored internships.
Individual Career Coaching Session
All career sessions are customized to your unique career needs and can include: career intake, career coaching, interview coaching, a review of career goals, and strategies to approach a job search.
Resume Critiquing
If you’re planning a job change, career transition or thinking of re-entering the workforce, we invite you to meet with an experienced career coach to get help updating, targeting and/or enhancing your resume.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Inventory (MBTI®)
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) can help you become more satisfied and successful
in your career. Understanding yourself and your personality will help you make and
implement better career decisions.
Fee: $50.00 (includes a 75 minute session and detailed report and interpretation by a qualified
professional, and supporting materials.)
Interpretation of Strong Interest Inventory (SII®)
The Strong Interest Inventory® is a reliable and valuable career-planning tool that
measures your interests in a broad range of areas, including occupational and leisure
activities. It is an essential resource for those considering a career change or seeking
more satisfying work within an organization.
Fee: $40.00 (includes a 75-minute session and detailed report and interpretation by a qualified