Compliance Training Program
Be Knowledgeable. Be Respectful. Be Responsible.
To provide a safe teaching, learning, working and living environment in accordance with Seton Hall's mission and values, all University employees, officers, priests, faculty (full and part time, as well as adjuncts), administrators and staff members ("Employees") are required to complete a mandatory Compliance Training Program ("Training Program"). The Training Program is intended to benefit the entire University community in accordance with the Catholic principle that each community member is personally responsible for their own self, for each other and, ultimately for the community as a whole.
The Training Program consists of three electronic courses and required compliance is based on your status as an employee and your particular job responsibilities. All courses have been developed to reflect current state and federal laws and regulations, as well as University policies. The courses may be accessed from both on and off campus.
Completion of the Training Program is required for all Employees
Harassment and Discrimination Prevention, Including Title IX
All Employees must complete this training within 30 days of their hire or assignment
date. Thereafter, Employees must complete this online training course annually.
Data Security Awareness
All Employees must complete this training within 30 days of hire or assignment date.
Thereafter, Employees must complete this online training course bi-annually.
Conflict of Interest
All Employee with hiring authority and/or budget authorization to sign for $10,000
or more must complete this training within 30 days of hire or assignment date. Thereafter,
Employees must complete this online training course annually.
How to Access Training Courses
Harassment and Discrimination Prevention, Including Title IX and Conflict of Interest courses are available through Everfi. To access the courses, login to PirateNet, choose the Everfi app.
The Data Security Awareness course is available in Vector LMS. To access the course,
login to PirateNet, choose Vector LMS for Faculty/Staff from the PirateNet Dashboard.
All courses for which you are assigned will appear on your Vector LMS homepage.
Please consult the Policy on Mandatory Compliance Training for specific details about the program including consequences for non-compliance.
FAQ’s are also available.