Outreach Programming
What kind of outreach services does Counseling & Psychological Services provide?
Counseling & Psychological Services offers a variety of outreach services to the university
community, including students, faculty, and staff. These services include consultation,
referrals, training, participation in community events, and educational programs for
a variety of mental health issues.
What is mental health outreach programming and what is its purpose?
Mental health outreach programming involves providing education and heightening awareness
about psychological and personal development issues that college students commonly
face. We achieve this through educational presentations, workshops, and mental health
The purpose of outreach programs is to educate students about various mental health issues, familiarize the community with our services, reduce the stigma associated with seeking counseling, and assist students in getting appropriate services to address emotional and developmental concerns. Outreach programming is particularly important because it allows us to serve a larger number of people than would otherwise be possible.
What kinds of programs and workshops are offered?
Counseling & Psychological Services staff members are available to conduct workshops
and educational programs for SHU students, faculty, staff, and parents throughout
the academic year. Frequently requested topics are listed below. We can also design
a workshop that is not included on the list:
- Stress & Time Management
- Healthy Relationships
- Understanding Depression and Suicide
- Adjustment to College
- Multiculturalism & Mental Health
- Issues in Alcohol & Substance Use
- Identifying Eating Disorders
- Body Image workshops
- Anger Management
- Recognizing Signs of Emotional Distress
- How to refer a Student to Counseling
Request a Workshop/Program
Please complete the following form to request a program or workshop. Given the demand on services at CAPS, we kindly ask that you provide at least two weeks' notice to ensure staff is available for your requested date and to allow our staff adequate time to prepare.