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Seton Hall University
Parents smiling with their student.

Parking FAQs for Parents

Do we need a permit to park on campus?
Yes! Permits are always required for any and all vehicles parked on Seton Hall University property, including the main campus and any off campus properties. Please know that permits work differently for parents and students. All permits must be properly displayed.
Can my student have a car on campus?
If your student is a commuter they are permitted to have a vehicle. The rules are different for residents and they must meet certain requirements to be eligible.
Do you offer any transportation options for students?
Yes! We have our campus shuttle, Seton Hall Shuttle, which runs on a set schedule with designated stops, and SHU Ride, which is an escort service to transport members of the University community from the main campus to locations in the immediate vicinity that are not on the Seton Hall Shuttle route. Both options are free for community members and run until 3 AM, seven days a week.

Additionally, ZipCar is also available on campus. To learn more about ZipCar and to open an account please click here.

Finally, for those seeking public transportation, please check out the NJ Transit website for information on trains and buses including schedules and fares. NJ Transit also offers a 25% discount on monthly train and bus passes for current Seton Hall University students.
Does the University provide transportation to the airport?
No, we do not. Services such as Uber and local taxis are cost effective ways to get to the Newark Liberty Airport. The train station in South Orange is the fastest and most cost effective way to get to Penn Station in New York.
What are the requirements for residents to obtain a parking permit?
Senior residents, those with 90 or more credits completed, are allowed to purchase a parking permit. Additionally, if students are in a program such as nursing or education the individual college or department will provide a list of eligible resident students to Parking Services each semester. Just have your student stop by the Parking Services Office with their SHU ID and vehicle registration and as long as their name is on the list we will be happy to sell them the necessary permit. Resident students with internships approved by the Career Center are also permitted to purchase a permit.

All other resident students may purchase a Weekend Resident permit. This permit may be purchased each semester and is valid from 5:00 p.m. Friday until 5:00 p.m. Sunday. Daily temporary permits are also available on a limited basis.
But my student has to get to work to help pay for tuition. Can they purchase a permit?
While we do understand the need for students to work to help with tuition and other expenses we do not have the parking spaces available to be able to accommodate everyone.
What if my student needs a car for a night or two to get home for a doctor's appointment or job interview?
We do offer temporary permits on a daily basis which are available at the Parking Services Office in Room 63, Duffy Hall during normal business hours. If the Parking Services Office is closed, temporary permits can be obtained at the Public Safety building near the Ward Place Gate. Public Safety is open 24/7. Resident students are permitted to obtain temporary permits for up to five days per semester; weekends do not count against this total. The fee for this permit will be billed to your student’s Bursar account.
What kind of permit do I need and where can I obtain one?
Parents and other guests may stop at either of our guard booths to obtain a visitor/guest permit. Students, faculty, staff and vendors are not eligible for visitor/guest permits and will be issued citations if they are found using visitor/guest permits. Students, faculty, staff and vendors should always report to the Parking Services Office or Public Safety building to discuss their needs and obtain their permits.
My student has to use a different car for a few days, what should they do?
If your student is using a car other than the one displaying their permit they should come to the Parking Services Office to obtain a temporary permit. They should bring their SHU ID and vehicle registration for the car they will be driving. A temporary permit will be issued at no cost.
My student just got a new car. Can they just put their old permit on the new vehicle?
No! Please have your student return their old permit to the Parking Services Office and obtain a replacement permit for a nominal fee. Students should bring their SHU ID and new vehicle registration with them as well. You do not have to wait for your permanent license plates to arrive and should register your new car immediately even if it has temporary plates.
Our family shares vehicles, how can my student get a second permit?
Students may only purchase one permit. However, we do have an option for those that carpool or use multiple vehicles on a regular basis. For an additional fee, students will be able to register a second vehicle.Two decals and a hangtag will be provided. A decal is placed on each vehicle and the hangtag is displayed in whatever vehicle is being parked on campus that day. If a student forgets their hangtag they should come to the Parking Services Office to obtain a temporary permit for the day at no charge. 
Where can I park?
You can park in any legal parking spot. Vehicles must be parked entirely within a marked space. Absence of a marked space indicates NO PARKING.
What happens if my student or I receive a citation and we’d like to fight the charges? What should we do?
We have an appeal process that you can go through. However, there are strict guidelines that MUST be followed. Tickets may be appealed within ten (10) business days of the date the ticket was issued. After ten days the right to appeal is forfeited and the violator is responsible for all fines. Towing and/or boot costs may not be appealed. The following violations are also ineligible for appeal: Parking in fire zones, parking in handicapped spaces, or parking in reserved spaces; use of counterfeit, lost, stolen or altered permits; permit obtained by fraud; obtaining guest and/or visitor permits you are not eligible for or previously appealed citations.

All appeals must be submitted online. Appeals that are denied will be assessed a $25 fee in addition to the original fine and any applicable late fees.
My student appealed a citation and it was denied. I still don’t think this is right. Now what should we do?
All decisions made by the Appeal Board are final. This policy is stated in our Rules and Regulations. At this point the fine and appeal fee must be paid by the date specified on your decision notice so you can avoid further late fees.
Can our car be parked overnight?
Only those in possession of a Resident, Employee, Faculty or Adjunct Faculty Permit may park their vehicles overnight. Employees, Faculty or Adjunct Faculty needing to park overnight may only do so if on university business. If for some reason you need to park overnight there are ways to do that. Please contact Parking Services so that we can tell you the correct procedure for your situation.
Are there any overnight parking fees?
Yes, if you need to have your vehicle on campus overnight there is an additional fee plus tax where applicable. Current fees are available online and in the Parking Services Office.

Resident students who are hosting an overnight guest are responsible for ensuring a temporary permit for their guest’s vehicle is obtained. The host will be responsible for any violations (past, present or future) incurred by their guests. All Housing and Residence Life guest policies must be complied with prior to requesting the permit.

A commuter student who will be the overnight guest of a resident student must obtain a temporary permit after complying with the Housing and Residence Life guest polices.
All permit charges are billed to the student’s Bursar account and should be paid prior to their due date to avoid any additional late fees.
Why do I have to pay for overnight or temporary parking?
Parking at Seton Hall is extremely limited. Faculty, employees, adjunct faculty, commuter students and eligible residents pay to park their vehicles on campus. Therefore, it is only fair that other individuals utilizing spaces should pay as well.
How many temporary permits can I have per semester?
Students may obtain temporary permits for special reasons for limited time periods totaling no more than five (5) days per semester to the individual and/or vehicle. Any parking needs beyond these limitations will require the purchase of a permit if eligible (exceptions must be submitted in writing to Parking Services for prior approval). The permit cannot be issued at either of the two entry gates.
I'm only here for 5 minutes do I still need a permit?
Yes! Anyone wishing to park their vehicle on the Seton Hall campus MUST have a parking permit displayed on their vehicle no matter how long they plan to stay. Parents and other guests may stop at either of our guard booths to obtain a visitor/guest permit. Students, faculty and staff should come to the Parking Services Office during normal business hours or the Public Safety building after hours to obtain the required permit.
Why can’t I register someone else’s car?
Not everyone is eligible to have a vehicle on campus. Additionally, any vehicle that is registered for any permit on campus becomes the responsibility of the person who registered it. If you register another person’s car and they receive citations you are then responsible for those citations. Additional citations and penalties will also be incurred.

Why can’t residents have car pool permits?
Since all residents cannot have vehicles on campus, placards, hangtags or other “removable” permits are not permitted. Policing of such permits would require more time and resources which would ultimately cost more money and raise parking fees.
Why can’t students have hangtags?
Basically students cannot have hangtags for the same reason that residents cannot have carpool permits. Not all students can have a vehicle on campus so hangtags or other “removable” permits, except for multi-vehicle/carpool hangtags, are not permitted. Policing of such permits would require more time and resources which would ultimately cost more money and raise parking fees.

How much do permits cost?
You can find all of our current permit fees here. All fees and fines are subject to change.

Why is there is a parking charge on my student’s Bursar bill?
For students, all charges from the Parking Services Office are charged to their Bursar account. This includes charges for both permits and citations. Please have your student stop by our office and we will be happy to explain what the charges are for.

Why can’t we tape the parking permit to our car?
Each type of permit must be displayed properly; failure to do so may result in the issuance of a ticket for improper display of permit. Permits should NEVER be taped to your vehicle as they can become lost or stolen.

My student was thinking about bringing their bicycle to campus. Is there anything they need to be aware of?
Yes! Permits are also required for bicycles and can be obtained at the Parking Services Office. Anyone wishing to register a bicycle on campus should know their bicycle’s serial number, make and color. Bicycle permits are free and never expire! Bike racks are available throughout campus.
New Jersey law (Title 39:4-10.1) requires that anyone under 17 years of age that rides a bicycle or is a passenger on a bicycle MUST wear a safety helmet. In an effort to promote bicycle safety on campus, Seton Hall University encourages all bicycle riders to use of safety helmets regardless of their age.
Additionally, when riding at night, New Jersey law (39:4-10) requires the use of a white headlamp on the front visible from a distance of at least 500 feet as well as a red lamp visible from at least 500 feet on the back. A red reflector may also be used in addition to the red lamp.
For more information on New Jersey bicycle laws please click here.

Where can I find a copy of the Parking Rules and Regulations?
Copies of the Parking Rules and Regulations are available in the Parking Services Office. Complete rules and regulations can also be found online. Biking Rules and Regulations can be found here

What if I still have questions?
If you have any questions regarding parking on campus or Seton Hall Shuttle please stop by our office, send us an e-mail or give us a call and we will be happy to help you! We are located in Room 63, Duffy Hall. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8:45 a.m. until 4:45 p.m. You can give us a call at (973) 761-9329.