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Seton Hall University

Program Proposals - Seton Hall University

Photo of Campus Walkway in front of Bayley Hall

Process steps for new undergraduate and graduate programs, dual and joint degrees, certificate programs


Step 1: Prepare Initial Concept


Step 2: Develop the Proposal

  • After receiving feedback, the program sponsors complete the New Program Proposal Template and, working with the School/College Budget Manager (with the assistance of the Provost’s office, as needed), also finalizes the New Program Proposal Financial Model
  • The program proposal is then forwarded to be considered by the Department, EPC, the School/College, APC, and the Faculty Senate. Here are the guidelines and forms for Academic Policy Committee (APC) and Senate review of new program proposals. These organizations may review the New Program Proposal Financial Model at their discretion, as well as receive feedback form the Dean or from other sources. The Dean should separately review the proposal in accordance with established school/college policy.  At a minimum that review should be sent to both the APC and the Provost’s Office. The EPC, APC and Faculty Senate may, but are not required, to consider the Dean’s recommendation.
  • Proposals that have been approved by the Faculty Senate are forwarded by the Faculty Senate to the Provost’s Office. The Faculty Senate should forward all materials, including the New Program Initial Concept, New Program Proposal Template and the New Program Proposal Financial Model

Step 3: Obtain Provost Approval

  • Undergraduate and graduate proposals will be forwarded to Associate Provost for Undergraduate Programs or Associate Provost for Graduate Programs.
  • A financial review will be conducted by Associate Provost for Strategy & Finance before the package is presented to the Provost for Approval.
  • If changes are required, the Dean or Dean designee, and the department chair, program director, or their designee will be consulted.
  • Program to be reviewed and approved by Provost within six weeks of final submission.
  • The Provost presents the approved new program to the Board of Regents.

Click here to download a printable version of the program proposal process.