Loan Information
Direct Loans »
The Direct Loan is a low-interest loan for students offered by the U.S. Department of Education. Repayment begins six months after graduation, upon termination of an academic program, or after enrollment drops below half-time status.
- Direct Loan Step by Step Process for New Students
Instructions for accepting award offer and completing additional requirements.- Here is a helpful video that will walk you through the process of accepting or declining your student loans.
- Direct Loan Instructional Guide
- Direct Loan Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling
Complete your Direct Loan master promissory note and entrance counseling. - Direct Loan Exit Counseling
Read Exit Counseling Information guide. Complete your Direct Loan exit counseling. - Need help to determine the amount needed for your Loan?
Federal Nursing Faculty Loan Program
The purpose of the Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP) is to increase the number of qualified nursing faculty by providing loans to students enrolled in an advanced education nursing program. The interest on this loan is 3%. After graduation from the advanced education nursing degree program, loan recipients may cancel up to 85 percent of the NFLP loan over a consecutive 4-year period while serving as full-time nurse faculty at a school of nursing.
- More information about the NFLP Program can be found here:
Direct Parent PLUS Loan »
The U.S. Department of Education offers a loan program called the Federal Direct Parent
PLUS Loan (PLUS). Parents can borrow a PLUS loan to help pay your educational expenses
if you are a dependent, undergraduate student, enrolled at least half-time. Parents
must be creditworthy to receive the loan. If a parent is denied a request for a PLUS
loan, the student may be eligible for an additional Direct Unsubsidized Loan.
- Parent PLUS Loan Facts
- PLUS Loan Request *Apply after June 1st*
Appeal/Endorse the Parent PLUS loan.
Direct Graduate PLUS Loan »
Graduate and professional degree students are now eligible to borrow under the PLUS
Loan Program. Graduate students must have applied for their annual loan maximum eligibility
under the Direct Unsubsidized Loan Program before applying for a graduate/professional
PLUS loan.
- Grad PLUS Loan Facts
- Grad PLUS Loan Request *Apply after June 1st*
Complete the Grad PLUS loan request.
Alternative Student Loans »
An alternative loan is a private student loan in the student's name. Alternative loans
help bridge the gap between the actual cost of your education and the limited amount
the government allows you to borrow in its programs. Private loans are offered by
private lenders and there are no federal forms to complete. Eligibility for private
student loans often depends on your credit score.
- Research alternative loan lenders *Apply after July 1st*
Research and compare alternative loan lenders.
Additional Resources