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Seton Hall University
Students walking in front of Bayley Hall

Budget Office

The Budget Office provides financial planning and budgeting services in support of the University's mission and vision.  It assists executive leadership in ensuring that the University maintains a sound financial status and operates within the budget parameters established by the Board of Regents.  The Budget Office strives to provide all constituents throughout the University community with the highest quality and most responsive service in a supportive and effective manner.  

Budget Office functions include the following:

  • Develop, implement and maintain budget policies, procedures, reporting mechanisms, systems and databases that ensure appropriate fiscal management of the University’s resources,
  • Coordinate the development of the annual operating budget that supports the strategic priorities identified by University leadership,
  • Analyze, monitor and forecast financial results of operations against budget,
  • Support fiscal decision-making by providing accurate and timely reports and other data, and
  • Assist and train budget unit managers in general budget issues, in the processing of budget transfers and in the use of financial management systems and related reports.

Budget Staff

Andrew PaparelliAndrew Paparelli
Senior Budget Analyst