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Seton Hall University

Returning Students Housing Selection

For returning students: this page includes all the information that you need to know about receiving a housing assignment for your Home at the Hall!

There is no residency requirement for any students to live in University housing. To be eligible for University housing, you must be registered as a full-time student (at least 12 credits).

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Important Dates

Housing Lottery Selection Period
May 2-3
Students who are eligible for the housing selection process will be able to select housing.

Post-Lottery Housing Selection Process
May 3-7
At this point, all students eligible to select housing will be able to view all available housing assignments.

Returning Student Housing Application Due
April 29
Returning students must submit their housing application via the MCR Housing portal by this date to be eligible for housing selection for the 2024-25 academic year.

Returning Student Housing Deposit Due
April 29
Returning students must submit a housing deposit by this date to be eligible for housing selection for the 2024-25 academic year.

How to Apply for University Housing

There are two required steps for you to officially be eligible to receive a University housing assignment (the deadline for both steps is April 29):

  1. Submit your $325.00 housing deposit. The housing deposit can be submitted via the Seton Hall Marketplace.
  2. Complete your housing application. The "Returning Student Housing Application" will become available, via your MCR Housing portal, approximately 24 hours after you register for classes for Fall 2024. Therefore, you will be unable to complete a housing application until you are registered as a full-time student for Fall 2024.

Once those steps are completed, then you are set to receive an email with additional instructions for selecting your housing assignment.

How to Select a Roommate Group

Image of two students standing in their dorm talking.Selecting a roommate group is completely optional! Students who do not select a roommate group will be able to select housing during the Post-Lottery Housing Selection Period.

To find roommates, you can utilize the MCR Housing software, social media,or any other methods.

Use the following instructions to create your roommate profile, search for roommates/suitemates, and create a roommate group with a maximum of four (4) students (the deadline is April 29):

  • Creating your Roommate Profile
    1. Log in to your MCR Housing portal, via PirateNet.
    2. On the left side of your dashboard, select "My Roommate Profile."
    3. Check the box for "turn on my profile" and fill out the required fields on your roommate profile.
      • Now, it is possible for other students to request you as a roommate.
    4. Specify which of the available profile fields for searching you are comfortable with sharing with potential roommates/suitemates, by selecting your preferences.
      • "All applications" means that the information will be available for anyone who is searching for potential roommates/suitemates.
      • "My contacts" means that the information will only be viewable to other applicants once an applicant accepts a contact request from you. Applicants may also decide to make certain profile fields "Private" and not shared with anyone.
    5. Provide social media and contact information that you are comfortable sharing with potential roommates/suitemates to facilitate communication.
    6. Access the "Roommate Search" and "Contacts" menus and start communicating!
  • Searching for Roommates/Suitemates
    1. Log in to your MCR Housing portal, via PirateNet.
    2. Once a student has completed their roommate profile and made it available to other students, they will be able to access the "Roommate Search" and "Contacts" menus.
    3. The roommate search allows applicants to filter based on profile fields for potential roommates/suitemates. Select the filters and search for potential roommates/suitemates with similar habits and interests. Then click "Search" .
      • If you do not use any filters and just select search, you will see everyone who has completed a roommate profile.
    4. Based on your filters, a list of contacts will appear on your dashboard in a section that is labeled "Roommate Search Results." You can send a contact request to anyone.
      • Once you send a contact request to another person via the RoomeeZ portal, an email will be sent to that student's Seton Hall University email address letting them know they need to approve a contact request by logging into their MCR Housing portal.
    5. All contacts are easily viewable from the "Contacts" menu.
    6. After you find your roommate(s)/suitemate(s), then you may create a Roommate Group. Instructions for that process follows:
  • Creating a Roommate Group

    After you find your roommate(s)/suitemate(s), then you may create a Roommate Group. Instructions for that process follows:

    1. Log in to your MCR Housing portal, via PirateNet.
    2. On the left side of your dashboard, select "Roommate Groups."
    3. Select "Create new roommate group."
    4. Create a group name and add roommates/suitemates to the roommate group by using their Seton Hall Univervity email addresses to search for them.
      • The maximum number of students in a group is 4.
    5. Your roommates/suitemates will receive an email to their Seton Hall University email address asking them to confirm that they would like to be a part of your roommate group.
    6. Once everyone in your roommate group officially confirms, each person in that group must select that group in the "Roommate Groups" homepage.
      • Students may create more than one roommate group, so this will help determine which group is the preferred match.
      • All students in the group must have a green check mark next to their names within the same group, for the group to be finalized.

Once those steps are completed, then you are set to receive an email with your Housing Lottery Selection Period timeslot and additional instructions for selecting your housing assignment.

Housing Assignment Process for Returning Students

Returning student housing selection is split into two periods:

Step 1: Housing Lottery Selection Period (Fill-a-Suite)

Each student who completes a housing application and submits a housing deposit will be eligible for the Housing Lottery Selection Period.

Those students will receive an email on May 1 with their Housing Lottery Selection Period timeslots during which they can select their housing assignments and instructions for selecting a housing assignment.

If you are part of a roommate group, then the person in the group with the earliest timeslot will be able to select a housing assignment for the rest of the group (even if the other group members’ timeslots are not yet open).

During this period, your roommate group must be able to fill a suite. For example, only four-person roommate groups will be able to view available four-person suites in Xavier Hall and only two-person roommate groups will be able to view suites with two spaces available in them in Turrell Manor.

If your roommate group cannot fill a suite, then you must split your group, add additional people into your group, or wait to select housing during the Post-Lottery Housing Selection Period.

Step 2: Post-Lottery Housing Selection Period

During the Post-Lottery Housing Selection Period, it is not required to fill a suite. At this point, all students eligible to select housing will be able to view all available housing assignments.

Housing Assignments for Returning Students
Returning students may select into a housing assignment in any of our Upperclass Area residence halls:

  • Cabrini Hall
  • Neumann Hall
  • Ora Manor
  • Serra Hall
  • Turrell Manor
  • Xavier Hall

Visit our Residence Halls page for more information.

New Housing Cancellation Policy

Effective July 1, 2024, there will be changes to the Housing Cancellation Policy. As per the new policy, "Students living in residence at Seton Hall University sign a Housing Agreement that is for the full Academic Year. This is a binding agreement, obligating the student to financial payment for that period of time regardless of actual use. However, there are limited reasons for which a student may cancel the housing agreement without further obligation or other financial penalty." Documentation must be provided to show one of the six (6) reasons. More information can be found at the Room and Board Cancellation Policy and Refund Schedule webpage.

“Neumann Plus" Program

The Department of Residence Life is excited to share that, based on incredibly positive feedback from our residential students, Neumann Hall will, once again, hold the "Neumann Plus" program. Select formerly double rooms will be converted into single rooms and select formerly triple rooms will be converted into double rooms.

*Please note: There is a price difference for Neumann Plus spaces.

Housing Accommodation Requests

Students with disabilities and/or medical conditions that require a specific type of housing assignment may request housing accommodations through Disability Support Services (DSS). DSS partners with the Department of Residence Life to coordinate appropriate and accessible room assignments based on documented need. The deadline to request housing accommodation through DSS is March 15.

More information regarding housing accommodations can be found on the DSS Housing Accommodations webpage.

Note About Cable

Based on significant data from student feedback regarding use of cable television and the prevalence of modern media streaming options, cable will no longer be provided in Seton Hall University residence halls. The resources previously allocated to cable will instead be utilized to enhance student engagement and the living, learning experience within the residence halls.

Have any questions?

Please contact with any questions or concerns:

Department of Residence Life 
[email protected]